Why ask: Caution you may not want to read this

Valley Village, CA

Folks this is a pet peeve with me. You don't need to read it.

Why ask a person what is wrong with the plant, tell them they don't know anything, or don't do it, have more trouble, then ask someone else for advise on this forum, it is really insulting. These people really know their stuff, and their advise should at least be considered. If you don't take the advise and try what is suggested, don't come back and ask the same question again. If you don't have confidence in this group, then don't ask the question, and please thank them, or report that it worked. This has a great group of experts. Norma Lewis

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

oh my, I hope I didn't ask something twice as sometimes I forget that I already asked and forget the answer that I got :(

I can see that it would be very insulting to some people as I know I would get irritated if someone who already got the answer was asking again :)

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

may I never fail to say thank you . I am learning so much so fast, and feel very gateful for the access to so many ppl who are always so willing to give advice freely. Even the old threads are so helpful to me.
I can see that there are many ppl here who have knowledge about the plants I am just learning about, and I have been able to make contacts through ppl and sites through ppl on this site that would have taken me who knows how long !!!
Love this site,and this forum is one of my favorites!!
Norma , you have been the most helpful to me !
I did take youre advice and will be trading with a couple ppl soon. One from this site and another I found through this site.

Valley Village, CA

When you trade please consider me. You never know.

I certainly don't mean to come off so harsh. I do see poor information given about the Crassula, I do realize people grow them in different growing conditions. Been to England, Belguim, Africa, Australia etc. observed how they were growing theirs, I have been able to learn I lot by just looking, we all grow in different soils, some grow inside others outside. The altitude that we live can effect the plant, soil surely does, so does water and salts, (fertilizer) Angle of the sun (latitude) even sitting side by side on the same bench. Well enough, off my soap box now.

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

i would love to trade with you. But what could I ever give you you don't have????

Valley Village, CA

I was able to find an very old species of Crassula ovata,(agentea) the smallest leaf form, which I thought was not being grown anymore. All you must start someplace. I started with Crassula 'Tailor's Patch' at 7 years old, that was my first, now I have about 7,000 different plants growing in my garden, not all different, and I love them all. So start with one, and you will see pretty soon it will be 40 and later it will be 119 and later 336 and later 772 and so on, just get started, don't wait. Norma

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

i do have a 'ovata', though i am not sure exactly .
in the plants database if you search for crassula 'ovata' it looks like what i have. but this spring i bought another which i don't know what to call but another 'jade'
i have rooted cuttings from both/been propagating what i do have. i also have a graptopetalum paraguayense which i have also propagated .
the 'other ' jade i got this spring is very much like my first jade but the leaves are smaller and there is only about 1/2" between the nodes whereas my first jade has larger leaves and about 2" between nodes
my first 'jade' plant was given to me about 5 years ago from a friend who had taken cuttings from her plant

This message was edited Tuesday, Aug 12th 9:24 PM

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a little (well, not so little) beauty which I obtained recently from ebay. The one below is another one this nice man is selling.

So Normita, to propagate, would I just slice off a leaf and try to root it?

Roof, I would love to trade for a little piece of graptopetalum if you want..... do you have red bird plant or sedum mrganium aka burro tail?

Love, Lav. (signing off as a big thunderboomer is coming thru)


Valley Village, CA

Not exactly-----------------------
Now remember you asked. This is the way I do it.
I gently remove a leaf from a stem. and lay it on the top of loose fresh mix. I set it aside, in filtered light please don't burn it's little toes. Wait a week then water.
and water once a week thereafter. You can do this will all of the Crassulaceae species that I know of. If you get lucky and see the roots, or leaves forming sooner, then you may water. You have my permission. Remember you have nothing to lose, it didn't cost you anything, don't try this with Aeonium or Semps. until the weather cools off.

This leaf propagation.

You may also take cuts, about 2" long, take off the bottom two leaves, leaving a little neck to set into the soil, again wait 1 week before watering, this will allow the cut to get a scab on the bottom, (heal over) then proceed as above

columbia, SC(Zone 8b)

norma please tell me the correct name for this plant; I have seen this plant, or ones so smiliar to it they loook the same named diffrently, and I am a tad confused/ though it always listed under the spieces of Kalanchoe. And it will turn red in winter with full sun??? Mine is getting full sun and i was wondering why no color was apperaring.
on www.lapshin.org it is listed as Kalanchoe farinacea Balif.. this guy on e-bay is calling it kalanchoe luciae.
I know you will clear this up for me...and unmuddle my head!!
lavanda you are welcome to a rooted cutting of the graptopetalum paraguayense. I have what is commonly called burros tails. not sure what you are talking ablout in regards to 'red bird plant'. Am not familiar with most of the common names. Maybe somone could enlighten me. i am a new collector just started this year.

This message was edited Wednesday, Aug 13th 11:38 PM

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Redbird cactus click below


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