Can anyone tell me the what this is.....

(Zone 5a)

Sorry about the title of this one, what a goof lol.

I bought these plants today and don't have any idea what they are called since there wasn't and id tag. I would like to add them to the PDB but need to know a name.

This message was edited Wednesday, Jul 30th 12:38 AM

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

And this is the top of the plant above.

This message was edited Wednesday, Jul 30th 12:33 AM

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

Here is the other one.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

its a crested euphorbia grafted on another tall thin euphorbia.The top is probably euphorbia lactea cristata.

(Zone 5a)

Thanks :}

Valley Village, CA

You are all so good, and very accurate.

You may not want to read the following: My Pet Peeve
I need to say this, why ask if you don't want to hear the response, or don't trust the advise? These people are good, really good. I don't mean about any one here, and it doesn't apply here at this time. But I have noticed that people do ask advise, don't take it, have a problem, then write back and complain about the plant again. After a while you feel unappreciated and just don't respond. Thank you, goes a long way. I think I should have started a new post, and I think I will, thank folks. I feel better

(Zone 5a)

I believe if someone helps you-you should say thanks.
I know a lot of people here that are just the best and it would take me all night to name them....oh what the heck!
All of DGer's are just a great bunch of people, and so glad that I have met most of them(even if I am bad at remembering names)

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