Potted succulent Hens/chicks like things

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Here is a pot of some Semperveriums, Dudlyeas and others that are starting to outgrow their community pot

Thumbnail by palmbob
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

And here's another pot of similar succulents also getting a bit large

Thumbnail by palmbob
Valley Village, CA

Hi there, I live in the San Fernando Valley also. Did you know that there is a Cactus and Succulent club in the Valley, it meets on the last Thursday of the month in the Encino Community Center located 4935 on Balboa Blvd,in Encino about 1 block No. of Ventura Blvd. The place opens at 6:30 for set up and Social hour. Bring a smile! As a guest you will get a free plant, snacks, and make friends. Please come and join in on the fun. We have about 75 attending each meeting. If I left information that is needed out please contact me. Norma

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