purple majesty millet

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

I am wondering if this is what I have. I got one "head" from a plant in a garden in our community park and harvested the seeds already. I put some between wet paper towels and they germinated in 3 days! I have lots of seeds just off that one seed head. If purple magesty millet is what this is, I'd be happy to send seeds to anyone who is interested. Thanks.

Thumbnail by roshana
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

........hmmmm.....Ok, I'll take a chance,if it turns out not to be purple it will still add structure to my garden.
....How do you want to do this? I have a few things on my trade list....
....Your Fellow Seed Rustler ;-)
shirley >^,,^< SB

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i have seeds of these too.how did you get the little seeds out of the seed pods i still have mine in them because i wasent going to sit there and try to get every litle seed out plmk thanks

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, moretz, it did take several sitting to clean the seeds! I just brought a tray in when I was watching TV and worked on them then. I kind of enjoyed the way they popped out of the little sections!

They are individual little round seeds now, but some of them have a little piece of the area in which they grew on them. But that didn't seem to interfere with germinatin though. Happy seed cleaning!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks for answering my question,yes i figured it would take a long time to do so i guess i better get started thanks again

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