Blue Spruce Sedum in Bloom

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

I remember a post where someone asked me to post a pic of the Blue Spruce in bloom,,,but I can't find the post..Here's the before and after photo's...


Thumbnail by MossRose
Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Here's the after photo....

Thumbnail by MossRose
Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

That looks cool growing in your planters! I can never figure out where to put that one. It always gets taken over by other plants and disappears.

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

And I'm just the opposite...this plant seems to take over. It has fallen out of the planters (on the other side) and is growing on the concrete!! I've pulled up and thrown away more than is growing. It's a hardy little devil here,,and a good cut flower as well.

Valley Village, CA

Thanks for the picture, now I know for sure that I have mine named correctly. This I really appreciate. The picture was so clear and up close enough for me to be sure of the identification. Norma

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Norma, I thought this was the one I had too, but now seeing Mossrose's pics I am not so sure.....go figger! Although mine is hardy outside.....

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Here's a close up of the bloom,,,

Thumbnail by MossRose
Valley Village, CA

But how does the white flowers turn to yellow? Mine looks like the white flowered plant. Beats me, does anyone have a answer for this? Norma

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Moss, thanks for the foto from july 5 - Dont know HOW I missed it!

Have you submitted it to the PDB ?

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi MR,
I was quite interested in this when you posted earlier in the spring. I have some but they just grow sooooooo slowly and have never bloomed even though this is their third year here. Yours look so wonderful and healthy! Thanks for posting the "after" shots.

Scottville, MI(Zone 4b)

Mine is growing outside, hardy in zone 4b, and likes to spread faster than I wish it would because it just wants to spread out, and not fill in and then bloom. But i have a whole patch in bud right now... as soon as the blossoms open (couple of days?) I am going to post the pic in the DB

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