I love these little guys..

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

This is Echinocereus Viridiflorus. From the Balck Hills of SD.The tiny flowers are lemon scented and its very hardy in zones 4-5 if goes into winter on the dry side,and has well drained soil.

Thumbnail by Eclipse
Valley Village, CA

Does this plant offset?
I am trying to learn, what other cactus grow in zones 4-5
and how low does the temptures dip? from Norma

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Norma, yes this one will form clumps with the offsets after many years. The temps here can dip to -25F in the coldest part of the winter.They have to go into winter dry...either in great porous soil or under an overhang of sorts to survive well. We have about 50 different hardy cactus in our collection at work...evevn agaves that overwinter in Zone 5. Agave utahensis will live outdoors here all year.
we never knew this till just lately as more peole push the hardiness areas of these plants. We have 5 chollas that live thru snowy winters.

Valley Village, CA

Would you send me a list of cold hardy plants, or tell where I can find such a list. I'm sure this group would appreciate your efforts. I have sent some Echinopsis hybrid on to Denver for their demostration garden, we just want to see how they make out in extreme cold. I guess I could put them in the freezer and get the same results?


Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Norma, there is a grower of hardy cactus in kansas..thats where we get ours.Check out this list of Companies that carry hardy types.

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