Butterfly Bush question

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

I saved a 3-inch potted buddleia from a local plant stand that had a couple of stems that were almost 3 feet long. The thing is that the stems are horizontal to the crown of the plant and when I planted it they basically lay flat on the ground. Is this normal for buddleia? Should I prune it back?? Both stems have blooms on them but they are just laying down in the bed amongst my Cosmos, Petunias, and Vinca. Pictures I've seen show it as a tall bushy plant. Did I get some kind of unusual cultivar?

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

If it is supple enough, I would recommend staking it up off the ground, especially as it is already in bloom. I do not know of a buddleia that grows that way! Perhaps it had some lank growth reaching for the light, and it was too weak to hold itself up. In the fall, it could be cut back close to the ground, and should come back more upright in the spring. In your zone, it would normally die off to the roots anyway. John

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Langbr, I had a bell pepper plant do that this year. It was in a 3" pot, and the pot fell over on its side,,gravity took over the the little pepper started growing sideways looking for the sun. Once I found the overturned pot and sit it upright the pepper fixed itself in no time. Hopefully your butterfly bush will do the same.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

It may be best to cut the bloom off to reduce weight and let the plant concentrate more on root production. A first year plant (in the ground) has to be ready for the coming winter.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks to all.....

I was thinking I might cut back the stems by half. Do you think I would take away too much foliage by doing this and damage the plant? I'm not worried about getting blooms this year. I just saw a good deal on the plant and couldn't pass it up. It was such a sad looking little thing when I saved it from the retailer. I'm more concerned with getting a good start for future years.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

You won't damage the shrub - they spring back to life with great gusto and it may still give you those flowers!! Good luck!! :-)

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Did it! Gonna try rooting those stem cuttings too!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Waste not, want not!! Way to go!!! :-)

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

So langbr how do you root the butterfly bush from a green cutting I would love to root the stems my DH cut when he was weed eating if i had rooted every one he has cut in the apst three years i could be a butterfly nursery by now LOL

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

springsong: I just followed the directions on this link that someone posted a while back in the Propagation forum (I think it was tiG or poppysue or baa....can't remember now).


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

hello everyone, i have a butterfly bush that is totally bushy but does have one limb going in its won direction instead of straight up. the only time i have learned with some bushes mine is white they only like to be cut back in the fall after it dies off. then next year its bushier. hope you get some great cuttings. Imzadi

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I cut mine in the Spring - down to about six inches and like I said it's taking over the garden....and the path!! :-)

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