Apricot glow

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I inherited a very spiny & I mean VERY spiny! cactus 25 years ago. It's never flowered altho' my others have. I went to RHS Wisley last week & recognised it (I think) as an echin****** apricot glow. I can't find this searching on the web. Does anyone have any info

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

probably echinocereus

Valley Village, CA

Could it possibly be Echinopsis hybrid from Johnson's Cactus here in Calif. I would suggest that you take a picture of it, immediately when it opens fully, they will only last until about 10:00 pm. Once you do that I do have connections with people that will recognize the plant for you. I also have a catalogue, that will list the plant with that name with the nursery that I mentioned. I sure hope you are right with the identification. Please let me know what you find out. It is an important plant. Crasulady2

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Here's a photo. If you see any patches of fluff on the cactus it's not a fungus it's the fluff that comes off lime trees at this time of year. It gets everywhere!

Thumbnail by Rosalia
Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

An Echinopsis hybrid of some kind...so many hybrids out there now.Grigsby cactus in Vista California has many colors and kinds of these.Also many of them at The Huntington in Pasadena.I bought several from them at their plant sales.

Valley Village, CA

Yep, it is an Echinopsis, I look up that name in Johnson's old catalogues for you. Gosh I didn't know that Grigsby cactus purchased some stock from the Huntington. The new named hybrids are the best I've seen, come and visit them planted out in the Cactus Garden. We have a Schick hybrid row, all named with metal labels. I have them growing in front of my house, the neighbors like them. They are now flowering once a month for me. Norma

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm a member of the RHS so I thought I'd use their online advice for members. They say it IS an Echinopsis "Apricot glow " & to keep it in the sun all summer & dry all winter ( under cover ...here in the UK)

In 25 years it has never flowered...my other cacti have. I treat it as any other plant all summer ie fed & watered but come end september stop watering & bring it in. Thought at one time it may need to be pot bound ...no joy. Then I repotted it...still no joy.
Any ideas ?

By the way Norma..thanks for your advice about pruning crassulas ...I did as you suggested...my money tree is still huge but manageable...BUT I did have a tortrix moth attack last year
That was a real pain!!!!

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Rosalia, keep the plant dry and COOL in winter to set the buds..even in the desert it gets cold for a time in the winter months.Mine never bloomed till I gave them the cool winter quarters..then they bloomed like crazy!Check your PH too...cactus grow in calciun rich soils..they like a high PH. :-)

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Thanks for that I've been using rainwater as the water here in essex is very hard...loads of calcium!!!! Never thought our water would be good for anything :) Winter temp on or around 50 degrees. Still too warm?

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Rosalia..that temp works good......dry and cool and they should bloom next year.

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