Have house plants for trade

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I have Queen`s tears, Mother-in-law tongue, klancho,and Mother of millions that I will trade or for postage.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

For postage? Would love to have queens tears and klancho, are mother of millions the same as mother of thousands? Please, e-mail with postage info if this is ok. Thanks, Tracy

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Busybee, please advise how much postage for queen's tears.

Which kind of mother of thusands/millions? I know of a gray one and a green kalanchoe-type one with pale green leaves.

Love, Lavanda

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Tracy and Lavanda, I have emailed both of you with the minimun amount of postage for priority mail.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

sending postage tomorrow, thanks!

Here's a pic of my mother of thousands babies at about 1 month

Thumbnail by hillbilliebo
Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

oops awful dark pic isn't it? here's another one

Thumbnail by hillbilliebo
Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

If your mother of millions is different than my mother of thousands do you wanna swap? Let me know, Tracy

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

looks like mine have a long way to go! Tracy

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Mine looks like those. The flowers are like the last one, a beautiful coral color.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

Wow, I wonder if mine will get that big and beautiful? I sure hope so, Tracy

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Tracy, these are some of the toughest houseplants. Mebbe that is why they are called "Mother". LOL

They THRIVE!!!!!! Some call them weeds, but I love them and have childhood memories of them as well.

I have the skinny-leaved gray one aks mexican hat by some and the wider-leaved kalanchoe also.

Will be glad to share with anyone who needs a little piece (they start so easily.

Mine are outside for the summer.

I plan to put some extras in the beds to see if they survive the winter.

At the nursery where I got my cutting (free) they had onely one: I cant remember if I already put the foto in or not, but I am five feet tall and that thing was about 7 geet in a pot inthe greenhouse and bloomin its little head off!

I sure wish I could find starts of the other more rare ones though.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

Love watching mine grow they were little "babies" when i first got them and they are growing up sooo fast. Wonder what they'll look like when they get big? Hope like the ones i saw! Tracy

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Hold on to a couple of queens tears and mother of thousands for me. Ok? I will be pulling together a trade list soon and will email you. You know me, that could be weeks or days. LOL!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

No problem,LOL, I am still waitimg for you to tell me when to mail the Zapotoc and Beauty Berry. A year really isn`t that long is it.LOL

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Nah, Busybee, at least you understand me well!!!!! You know that I haven't forgotten you anyway. It isn't that I really need any plants. It is just a compulsive thing! Ha!

This message was edited Wednesday, Jun 4th 12:53 PM

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT. I have the same desease.LOL

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)


A nosey question:

What is zapotec and do you have beauty berry cuttings available?

Love, Lavanda

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Zapotec is the name of an Indian tribe that named this plant. It makes a huge sunflower type bloom. It is planted in Mexico beside latrenes therefore getting the name of toilet paper plant. The leaves are very large and soft.

I do not have cuttings for the Beauty Berry. This is a plant that I owed to Ellena from last year. She is to let me know when to send it to her.

This message was edited Thursday, Jun 5th 10:08 PM

Thumbnail by busybee
Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)


I did recognize the word Zapotec, and indeed it is a tribe in Mexico. But there is a Zapotec tomoato also. I have a few seeds if you are interested.

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Lavanda..they do NOT survive the winter here in Rowlett...I have been planting them outdoors for the last 2 years trying to get rid of them but I always manage to get some seedlings growing in some pot that I DO bring in. If anyone wants some, I will be more than happy to share...they are pretty little plants, need bracing as they grow up. They dont get as lanky in the sun, but the direct sun seems to be a bit much..especially if its all day long. So its morning sun and afternoon shade for the ones I have--for best results....Kris

Tracy City, TN(Zone 7a)

Busybee, I would love to have some of the queens tears and mother of millions. Let me know about the postage if this is okay.

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

It is fine with me. The postage for priority mail is $3.95. If it is more I usually take care of it because I tend to stuff the boxes with extras.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

Kim77 - busybee's not kidding she really packs a great trade box! When I got mine I thought it was my secret plant trade box it was sooo full of wonderful additions to my house! You'll love everything she sends! Busybee thanks again for sharing! Tracy

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

BUSYBEE, Did you get the email that I sent you several days ago?

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

No, Elena, Please try again.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh, I am so sorry. I answered your email and figured that you just weren't available and hadn't answered me. I am ready to try to work up that long over-due trade. It has my been my fault for not getting around to it and I really hate that. I asked for your phone number so I could call you as we might have more to say than we would want to write. It might be in the elist that Flo sent, however. I didn't think to look until just now. DUH!

This message was edited Tuesday, Jul 1st 6:55 AM

Tracy City, TN(Zone 7a)

Well I will really be looking forward to receiving the package. I'm just starting out with plants. I love houseplants and through trial and error I'm learning the needs of them.

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