Rooting in Water-Hoya

Valley Village, CA

I actually rooted one in water, my H. kerrii actually started in water, I was desperate, but it worked. I wrapped aluminum foil around the glass and put it on the window sill, the Hoya only had 1" of stem below the last pair of leaves, and it worked in less than a week. I am so excited I think I will pop, now I trying another species that I've had so much trouble with. I also had put some down in pure perlite to see if this will work equally as well. I'll report back. Norma

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

FYI I had good results with Hoya and other succulent cuttings rooting in rockwool and foam propagation cubes.

Valley Village, CA

I have heard that works well, but haven't tried it yet. I'll remember that and try it next time. Have you heard of a lady from Denmark? or Europe? by the name of Torill, she is coming to the Hoya Clan party that I am having, what a stoke of luck. We are now expecting 50 people. The pary is only two weeks away I have so much to do yet. I got a new Hoya today, a H. multiflora, that has heavier (thicker) leaves than my other one, but I saw the flwers and they are the same, to me (untrained eye) exactly the same. Norma

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Norma, sounds like a fun party and wish I could come for a visit out West (If you would have alowed me that is). Would have been good timing too since I'm starting my vacation at the same time but my that time is already reserved for a trip back to my native Germany to visit my old friends and family (and trying to get a Hoya cutting or two).
I wish up her in Canada for a selection of Hoyas like you have down in the US. Too bad that the plant trade is so difficult across the longest "undefended" Border.

Have a nice party and let me know if you get any info on a good Hoya importer in Canada (besides Pike Lake Greenhouse)

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