any orchid fans?

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

i have a brassia with 7 mature p bulbs and 5 new sprouting,in a 5inch pot.
i was told not to repot till it flowered,but it dont seem like its going to,so i decided to go ahead and repot,unless someone can tell me different.

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

i havnt seen one,
that would be fine with me jewel.
orchids are not my main intrest,but i have a few,and could sure use the help.
no coments about my brassia?

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Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

thanks for the sugestion,and the welcom.

I'm not an orchid grower, but based on what I've seen, pertaining to flowering plants in general, I would recommend not repotting, if your plant is in the process of flowering. Why stress out the plant, and upset the process, it's in the middle of?

I would go ahead and repot. Sometimes if it really needs repotting, and its not spiking, its better to keep the plant happy. Are you sure you have it in enough light? If the leaves are in the uppermost light limits they can stand they will get a reddish blush to them, and they also tend to be heavier feeders than other orchids. I have also heard letting them get a little dry will "stress" them into flowering for you. Good luck! (hi denny, its me angel:)

(Zone 6a)

I have several orchids but no brassia as yet. If your orchid is sending out new growth and not in flower, you can go aahead and repot. In fact, this is usually the best time to repot since the new growth/roots will have time to adjust to the new medium (bark mixture) before it spikes and flower. With 11 p-bulbs, it should be a nice specimen when it blooms.

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Personally, i love orchids, they just seom to be cut of my budget

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Perhaps some of these orchid lovers could be convinced to do a few orchid trades????

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

I have 7 orchids,but my favorites at the moment are the 2 phals-one which rebloomed on my birthday(Yippee),and the other which is in spike now after 4 months(double yippee!!).I have found bargain orchids here..the Cymbidium with 7 p-bulbs for 6 dollars was the best,but I think I will have to stop looking!! Space,space,space!
Miss ya,Denny!! Gwist

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

howdy gwist!
good ta see ya.
hot in switzerland?
do you know the name Hoover,is it switz(?)?

So... do you want an orchid forum?


Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

thanks dave,i have 5,and it sounds like others have more.
my vote is yes.

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Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi all,

Pirate Girl (aka Karen) here -- Hi Denny (silly me thought that "Den." must be a dendrobium freak orchid lover). Heard you were Disneyed & figured you for long gone. Angel -- hi there too, nice to see ya. Gwist -- loooooong time no see. You must have been a very good boy/girl to have such a Special Blooming Birthday -- good for YOU!!!

I myself am an Orchid Newbie -- one Den. Classic Gem (which I think is DEAD); one nice BS Phal., bought from a friend didn't bloom for me yet (heard they sometimes skip a bloom season on acclimating to new surroundings); & bought a GREAT mini Phal. at recent Orchid Show in NYC. Charming tiny, 1-1/4" bloom of white striped w/ pink & a burgundy lip, all on a 3" stem. Really fun. Well I thought I'd just be 'happy dancing' for blooms, but have since discovered all new plump & juicy green roots on both Phals. after some root pruning & changing their mix, so have invented 'new roots happy dance' for myself (yikes, orchid-mania sure looks like a serious ailment). NOT buying anymore 'til these guys bloom.

Have read on Orchids at (great site, very knowledgeable, friendly & cool folks there), plenty at GW's orchid site, where a bunch of folks were also Disneyed.

Dave, it seems the answer is yes to Orchid Forum; be forewarned, there too you'll probably see a bunch of refugees from GW.

Sorry to be soooo long.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hey Denny!!!Hoover...sounds pretty German,but who knows!It is still hot here...28°(82°F) at 11 p.m. and muggy!! I don't really miss the muggy part coming from New York,but the hot part..and the fact that it stays light until 10 p.m.--great!
Hey Pirate girl!!! I am a garden/houseplant girl!!Androgenous name,but a girl(actually mother of 4 boys!!)I suddenly lost every one on my fav site(/with 100 houseplants,it should be!) while going through the worst period of my life..separating from my now NSSO(not-so-significant other),so I am glad to see everyone back...except Olivier!Someone has to recruit him.
Dave,an Orchid forum would be a great idea..I have sooo many q's about my other babies.

Done - the forum is created!



Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi again Gwist, thx for the clarification. Would say condolences on your separation, but sounds like congratulations would be better!! Four boys, well you must be pretty busy. Great idea abt inviting Olivier, I speak French (kind of rusty), so I will try to remember to go to GW Orchids & post to him in French inviting him to EM me directly if he's interested.

Webmaster Dave,

Your responsiveness & speed in doing so are just AMAZING. I'm sure we all say THANKS SO MUCH!!

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