Strange Pony Tail Palm


Haven't posted in awhile...but, just had to ask about this.

I have mentioned my Pony Tail Palm before...the one that has a 15 inch diameter... had been in the same pot for about 7 or 8 years.. during that time... Life happened, and I never got around to re-potting it... It looked fine..nice color and bushiness... Sooo, was re-potting everyone else and figured this thing must be root-bound....

Took it out of the pot...(caudex must weight in around 25 pounds..!!).

The caudex was in perfect shape, smooth and flat on the
bottom......not soft only had about
6 or 7 tiny roots....spaced far from each other...and each only about 4 inches long....... I checked the pot, none
there, nothing broken..... What is that all about...??

I have raised PTP for years....seen them very pot bound roots everywhere......never anything like this... How in the world was it living.....and looking so healthy..???

Anyone have a clue.....??????????


Valley Village, CA

It takes as much water as it needs. That caudex is 25 lbs of water. It can survive quiet a long time on the water it is holding. Mine is 15 ft around, not in a pot. I wish I never took mine out. Norma


Your's sounds Fantastic, we could never have anything like
that here in Ind... I envy you.... :)

Mine seems happy the way it is, so
will just leave it alone and not worry about it..


This message was edited Wednesday, Apr 23rd 9:43 AM

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