Ever heard of a Ficus Pedilanthus


I just won this adorable Ficus with a caudex on E-bay.. The seller said it was a Ficus Pedilanthus. I can not find this anywhere in my search.

I feel it is really a Ficus Palmeri or a Ficus petiolaris,in which case, either would be fine with me.

The picture is not clear enough to show if the leaves have the pink ribs or not for the latter.

Anyone ever heard of a Ficus Pedilanthus..?


Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Well, I have heard of Ficus, and I have heard of Pedilanthus - but I think the two wouldn't hybridize too well ;-)
The seller possibly had a senior moment when he named the plant - I guess it can happen to all of us sooner or later....
Your guess of F.petiolaris is probably right.

That's what I thought..... It is beautiful tho..very well taken care of...and he's a very nice person to do business with...

I did the same thing.....thought I had a "Pencil Cactus" for a couple years...so proud of it.....and then found out it was a "Drunkard's Dream" (hatiora)....felt so dumb...... Now, I do have both......LOLOL


Valley Village, CA

lGreat, thanks for admitting your senior moments, I have them I lot lately, and it make me feel better to know that they are normal at my age and I'm not the only one.
I finally received my new Crassulal book.
I also located books on Living Wreaths from succulents, if you are interested you may contact me. Norma

Hi Norma......

If you only knew "HOW" many Senior Moments I'v had..LOLOLOL

Your books sound interesting...I have several really good
ones myself...just general houseplants. That's way I didn't
know I had a Drunkard's Dream, (it was no where to be found
in my books).. got another off of e-bay.....and there it
was. Are yours just about succulents only..?? I would love
to find a really good one on Caudex plants, doesn't seem to be any, except that one..by Rawly ( spelling..??) I got it from the library. Not really what I was looking for.


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