ID on this groundcover please!


Does anyone know the name of this short, sedum-like groundcover? It's darker than it appears in the photo, and leaves are very tiny. Doesn't grow more than a few inches high. I took a sample out of a neighbor's yard (a small one!), and I want to get some for my own... Exact name please if you recognize it.


Julie Burleigh in Los Angeles, California.

Thumbnail by julieb63
Valley Village, CA

Julie hi, I'm Norma Lewis I'm glad to meet you.

Perhaps I can be of some help, I'm not sure of course I would need a closer look at the leaves and really the flower tells the story, but I going to make a calculated guess. I do grow this plant. There are fifteen varieties that I know of and perhaps more at this time. I believe it to be S. spurium.

I am having a garden party on Sat. June 14, you would be welcome to come over and meet my friends that all collect Cactus and Succulents, however this party is focused on house plants. Hoya, Sans. Crassula, Haworthia, Pelagonium, its just going to be a fun party, with same very well known and famous book writers, growers. It's a forum get together by invitation only. If you want to attend please send me your address, and RSVP and I'll mail you in invitation.

Hi Norma,

Thanks so much for the ID and the invitation.

I'll pass on the party, as I have no indoor plants at the moment (the garden and our baby keep us busy enough!)...

Thanks again,

Julie Burleigh

Valley Village, CA

Thanks for the pictures, but my S. 'Dragon's Blood' does not look like the pictures. Mine is a deep dragon blood red, wine, maroon, almost black. More like a pigeon blood Ruby. The most expensive of course. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Julie at least you say thank you, I was hopeing that you would come, bring the baby, I have these sedum growing all over the place in my garden, you are more than welcome any other time as well, always email me first. I have extra 'Dragons Blood' Sedum. Norma

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It reminds me of Kalanchoe pumila.

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