Caladium as a houseplant?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Last week I bought a mixed bag of Caladium tubers at a local discount store. I'm not familiar with tubers and wanted to try my hand at it. I would like to grow them as a houseplant instead of outside in a garden. The only instructions I got were how to plant them outside. Any tips would be greatly appreciated:)

Inverness, FL

I would imagine they'd do fine as long as they got lots of sun. I have a bunch planted in the front of my house that get full, very hot, sun all day and they do great as long as I keep them well watered. They are just now starting to poke thru. I live in west central it gets pretty dry here. Watering everyday wouldn't hurt mine.

new york, NY

I don't have caladium myself but from what I've read I understand they need lots of moisture both watering and humidity also drafts can damage the delicate leaves so be careful with chilly windowsills or doors that are constantly opened and closed.I know this isn't much but hopefully it helps.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

So far so good...a week ago I discovered 2 little caladium sprouts, after planting them about a month ago. What they say about a watched pot never boiling is so I stopped watching the pot...just kept the soil moist and warm with lots of sunshine...what little I've had around here lately...and voila!!! there they were one day. They are now about 3 inches tall, red stems with little green tips poking out:) Once I figure out how to use my digital camera I'll take a picture.


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

They'll do fine in the house. I had mine near a west-facing window. They went dormant in the fall like the outdoor ones did, though. When getting the bulbs started, I water when I first planted them and then waited until the soil was pretty dry before I watered again. After they sprouted, then I watered more. The ones I had outside held up quite well to the heat and dryness here.

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