Small space House plant

Valley Village, CA

Try Dischidia, they are related to Hoya, but have tiny leaves, grow in a 5" pot and also have tiny flowers, don't weigh much so can be handled easily. They don't need much sunlight to do well. Will love it in New York and all along the eastern coast, likes high humidity. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Crassula sarcocaulis, miniature tree like, may have a peeling park, one form has tiny red flowers and this plant will bonsai well all by itself. Needs a 4" pot with good drainage.

Crassula streyi, interesting big leaves, dark green with a few white speckles. The underside of the leaf is maroon and very striking for a house plant, indirect sun required.
Need a 6 in pot maximum.

Valley Village, CA

Whoops, need a 6" pot maximum. Not 6 in a pot. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Try Semp, for cold weather conditions, will actually do well in snow, my friend just puts pine needles on top.

Try Haworthia in the 4" pot as well.

Try miniature forms of Sedum, if you live in a hot weather climate go for the Mexican. If you live in a cold climate in the winter try for the Chineses, Japanese, European species.

Agave, there are miniature Japaneses available. Beautifully striking. 4" pot required.

Sansevieria look for the S. cylindrica dwf. or S. parva dwf.

Miniature Aloe would be splended, and all have a nice flower.

Pelagonium, the African species, which are woodie or bulb like. Pretty little pink, red, white, flowers with nice smiling faces. Natural bonsai.

Crassula, crassula, crassula for heavens sake all kinds of them love 4" pots dba Norma "I like them"

Mini senecio blue, pretty little white flowers, 4" pot

This is just a start of some ideas what to use, why don't the rest of you reading this post offer some suggestions that you have tried. Norma

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