Sedum this?

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I'm new to this particular forum. I come here to seek help to identify this plant. Anyone know what this is?

Thumbnail by Dinu
Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Dinu, its nice to see you jere. Hope you continue to hang around.

I am pretty sure it is a crassulaceae and a sedum. There are just so many ...but here is a place to look for a foto to compare it with.

I started looking, but have not had a chance to get very far.

Try here...and let us know what it is when you locate it. I will continue to work on it too.

Good luck, hugs, Lavanda

Valley Village, CA

Dinu, I hope you stick around also. Welcome

That is a Sedum nussbaumerianum if orange. Yours is this one.
Sedum adolphii if butter yellow.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

The orangish colour comes when it is a bit starved. If the soil is richer, it will have more green.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


the plant u are seeking a name for is commonly known as Ghost Plant, latin name is Graptopetalum paraguayense ... ... in the crassulaceae family. if the plant is totally exposed to the sun, u will get yellowish to orangy color. if kept in the shade and well watered, it will either be be greenish to grayish color. i once had had those. they are prolific grower. if a leaf drops off a new plant will develop. hth... ma vie

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Hi Ma Vie, the leaves in the link are flatter while mine is not like that.
By the way Ma Vie, you should be getting the Tulsi seeds this week. It is already on the way.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

thank Dinu :). it should be Sedum nussbaumerianum ...

Valley Village, CA

As I suggested in my post MaVie it is S. nussbaumerinum. It is not a graptopetalum, either the 'Gray Ghost' or it's sister which is pink/orange and a larger plant. The color comes not from the starved soil, but the sun. I water the Sedum starting now April l to Oct l once a week, and fertilize right after. The color comes from their DNA. Plants are greener because they are in their growing cycle, and as they mature, most plants change, so do we.

I sure wish I was the cute little girl I was when I was 16, my have I changed! My hair has even turned gray.

Valley Village, CA

Dinu, I forgot to mention, your plant is grown to perfection. Some people have trouble growing this plant, because they grow it wet, and cold. This is from Mexico, and loves the heat, full sun, or it will pout. Norma

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I saw the links and the white flowers of this plant surprises me! Mine hasn't bloomed till now. How long it should take to bloom?

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