Interested in seeds for unusual cacti and succulents

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

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Valley Village, CA

To get the pure seed of any specie is very hard to come by. It must be under controlled conditions. Usually these seed are either sold, or grown for stock plants. Anything unusual or different would just be that much more difficult. You can try Amateurs' Digest, often they have advertisements regarding seed for sale, but again you can't be sure what is actually being sent. The best bet is the CSSA seed bank, but then you must be a member to get seed for .50 I wish I could be of more help. Norma

Greenacres, WA

Cacti and Succulents I bought a package of seeds hoping to have some fun trying to grow some. How ever I don't know what soil I should use. I would appreciate any input, how long do they take to grow?

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