Grasses are back!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Yeah!! Grasses and bamboo are back! Who's starting what from seeds????

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Woo Hoo! Here we are! I started more of the Miscanthus giganteus and will grow more Job's tears for sure. I have so many others that are perennials, don't know about more. I LOVE my grasses!

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

I am starting from seed: Erianthus Ravennae
[also known as: Ravenna Grass, Plume Grass, Hardy Pampas Grass] Gets 8 to 14 ft. tall.
My son wants to put clumps of this on his backyard lot line, also my husband wants more clumps.
Michele, want to trade some seed, I would love to start some of your Miscanthus Giganteus.
Thanks, Dave for putting the forum back up. Hope it gets used more, have missed it.

Thumbnail by Debby
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

YEAH!!!!!I missed this forum!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Debby, I love the ravena grass! I always mean to start more to put up on my hill. It is so awesome and stately. Does that one need stratification? Let me see if I saved any of the giganteus (formerly called Floridulus). I actually got it last year in a trade and started some then split the seedlings with someone. I may have started the end of them, but I can share the seedlings. :)

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I love the tall grasses they look lovely amongst my geraniums and Poppies. This year I am sowing Stipa gigantia and Tenuifolia, Pennistemon, Miscanthus Goldfeder and Silberfeder, Milium (bowles golden grass) hordeum jubatum, black fountain grass and others i cant remember the names of. Most grasses are just so easy from seed! happy sowing!

Btw I have quite a lot left if anyone would like a mixed bag!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I started Hare's Tail Lagurus ovatus, some seeds I pinched from the Post Office (:-D), and the Ornamental Millet, Pennisetum glaucum Purple Majesty Hybrid. Today I'm going to start red fountain grass (variety? will be a surprise) I received in a trade.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Badseed, I have been meaning to ask you about those Jobs tears seeds you sent me...what do I need to do to get them started? Do they need soaking, nicking?? Plus I couldn't find too much info on the web about them :(
My Weeping love Michele grass is up!! and so is my Quaking Michele grass!! Yeah!! it's only about 2" tall but still it's up and growing!

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I don't have any grass seed except for the purple fountain millet seeds. I am hoping for a co-op for grass.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Does purple fountian grass come true from seed?

Also I said in the co op page an ornamental grass co op would be cool.......

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Ponditis - Check the seed racks at Wal-mart. They had a good selection of grasses the last time I was there.

CC - the Purple fountain grass produces sterile seeds. There's one called Pennisteum setaceum that has rose colored plumes that can be grown from seeds. In fact, I think they had them at wally world. I ordered a pennsetum called Karley Rose from the Green Mtn co-op that's supposed to be hardy.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Thanks Poppysue, but there are no grass seeds at our Wal-mart. :( I have been watching all the seed racks around. Next year I will have to get some ordered from somewhere. Someday I plan on having grasses and daylilies all along my long driveway and on the slope of our koi breeding pond. It will be so pretty!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Lani, I don't know which you want to grow, but I do have a ton of seeds for Sea Oats-Chasmanthium, Moudry-Pennisetum and probably others. Let me know if you want to grow from seed-it's pretty easy. :)

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the offer Chele. I don't need a ton of seeds though (wink wink) but I really would like grasses that are annual or perennial and not invasive in their nature as once this slope is planted I don't want to have to rework the thugs out of the area as it is not going to be the easiest area to work on. Deadheading won't be a problem for most of the area though. When I was planting my Mothers yard I was told that ribbon grass would not be invasive (I have found out since that it is VERY invasive here in zone6) And now I have ribbon grass through all her flower bed that I must remove. Not my idea of fun.

Anybody want some ribbon grass? LOL

Skowhegan, ME(Zone 5b)

Hi, Are there any grasses that would make it in zone 5b and if so where could one go to get started with them. You see them in some of the magazines and they are so beautiful. I was not aware that DGs had a Grass forum, is this new? Any info will surely help,Thanks, Little Hawk

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

hi little hawk. Most grasses are quite tough and should be ok where you are. I live in zone 8 where I grow alot of grasses. I can send you some mixed seeds if you would like to experiment. Just send me an email :)

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

little hawk my reply to your email keeps coming back to me so this is what I wrote.

Hi LittleHawk
No grasses are quite easy to start off and grow quickly. Send me your postal
address and I will send them to you. Please I do not need anything in return
as I am already up to my ears in seed!! LOL and postage from the UK is very
cheap. This is a gift from one gardener to another :)
best wishes

you had best check your email address is correct.:)

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Psilo,,you have mail.


Kansas City, MO(Zone 5b)

I am new to gardening - just started last summer. This morning I planted Acorus Calamas Variegatus grass. I have a lot other kinds - forget their names - but Pampas is one of them. Are they going to make it over the winter in Missouri? I am a 5b - but when I look at the temps on the zone map - I would think I'm a 6 as we don't get any where near as cold as they say. Any help/advice on grasses is muchly appreciated .... I'm totally in love with them!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Pampas grass (Cortaderia) won't be hardy for you. I am thinking Acorus is hardy to 7, but it could be lower. Haven't looked it up lately. LOL Guess I better since I just got some.

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Acorus is hardy to zone 5. The pampas is not, such a shame, it is lovely.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey Badseed, my jobs tears are sooo big now!! These things have really surprised me! They are almost as tall as I am!

Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

Several years ago I planted pampas from seed and ended up with 100 seedlings. I set them all out in my south 40, all but two died. But the two have survived 8 years and are quite large. I think Pampas in zone 5 is hit and miss.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL MOlly! I am glad you are enjoying them! Make sure you collect ALL the seeds. Don't say I did not warn you. he he he I'll be waiting on some jewelry. LOL

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

LOL! Was going to ask ya, about the seeds. I know I will probably be finding out sooner or later but wanted to ask ya how the seed heads look. Does it look like corn tassles?
The plant looks alot like corn ya know hee hee
Can't wait to see the seeds on these!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The flowers are not horribly exciting. LOL Soon after you will find the seeds. They start out green and age to all the marble colors, some even white or black. I think if you look in the PDB you will find some pics. :)

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Ok Thanks! I'll look there :)

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