Thining ?

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I planted a bunch of seeds per cell and now i need to thin them because they all germinated!!!!!!!!!

My question is: can I transplant all the lil guys I pluck out?
thanks in advance :)

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Probably, depending on what they are. Sometimes, hard as it is to do, it is best to use scissors to cut off the extras so as not to disturb the roots of the ones you are saving. If you can use the extras, why not try it? John

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Yes, you can transplant them. I have even used tweezers to pick them up and put them in there new home. I take the plug of soil out of the cell and lay it down on a plate and try to take away some of the soil to get at the seedlings. Make sure the soil is wet, it makes separating them easier. They are sturdier than what you would think. Even if they lose a few roots, they still flourish.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

You all have that too..? I always hear them cry..not me, not me.. ;)So I'll try to transplant as much as possible and say...oh, I'm so terrible sorry the ones I could'nt. Yes, it's just as Debby said. Even the very young ones do fine and it does'nt matter if they loose a few roots. Sometimes I even pinch the roots with my nails to shorten them. Oh...what should I do with so many seedlings?
First give them away to friends and neighbours and what's left I sell for a few Eurocents at the "garners for gardners" market. So all the seeds that you guys have send me from all over the world: they colour not only my garden but my whole environment!

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