Seeking help

Valley Village, CA

Today I had two 16 yr old that are seeking some help. They had me stumped. I will ned email or URL contacts for them.
To whom it may concern,
I am a high school student in need of some help concerning dicot plants. I plan on doing a science fair project in which I want to show that dicots aare chemically related. I am at a loss, due to the fact that I am unsure as to where there is the highest protein concentration in a dicot plant.

I am trying to establlish a chemical relationship between dicotyledons, and in order to do so, I need to know which proteins I am looking for. I am aware that one can establish such a re relationship by doing a vertical gel electrophoresis. However, I need to know what the bars represent, so as to be able to deduce which parts of a dicot are similar and different, thus being able to conclude valid information. More importantly, I do not know where to do such research. Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction? Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, and

These two kids, had the guts to contact me, I contacted Myron Kimnach, Rob Wallace, they did not return the call.
I contacted Steve Janowsky, he sent a letter back but with no help. Saying that this was a college project. Yes, these are specially gifted young people, that are working on a college level, and they are seeking out information that they will need. They want it and they are going after a 1st place at the Science Fair.

Is there any one on this list that can give them a hand. Titles of books that may have this information. Please email me on their behalf, and I will give you their email addresses. Thank you, Norma Lewis Crasulady2

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

here' google's url for whatever these kids need. i hope they can find what they need ...

Valley Village, CA

MaVie Rose, than you so much, it has been emailed to the kids. Now we will wait and see what they can do. I think they waited too long thinking that it was goind to be easy.
These will be our futurer scientist. I'm starting them out on a succulent collection. Norma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i have to send u the url i searched on google cause i did not know specifically what they are searching for. hope it helps Norma :)! lmk if i could be of further assistance in their search.

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