new bloom

Dripping Springs, TX

I have this blooming--but I forgot what it is? I know someone out there knows.

Thumbnail by desert_rose
Dripping Springs, TX

The skinny shot.

Thumbnail by desert_rose
Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

If it looks like this then it is Kalanchoe tubiflorum, Mother of Thousands.

Dripping Springs, TX

Thank You ! It's been driving me nuts! And your not kidding mother of thousands--I'm thinking of cutting off the flowers so I don't get anymore. I have those things popping up everywhere.

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

The babies come from the tips of the leaves as well.

Dripping Springs, TX

Oh no! She is very fertile. I guess I'll be giving them away.

Skowhegan, ME(Zone 5b)

Hello desert_rose, If you were serious about maybe giving some of your babies away from your Mother Of Thousands, I would like some if we can work something out? Respectfully, Little Hawk.

This message was edited Saturday, Feb 1st 1:15 AM

Dripping Springs, TX

Ok wait a few months until it warms up then email me.

Skowhegan, ME(Zone 5b)

Thank you desert_rose, I will be in touch in March. Respectfully, Little Hawk.

Valley Village, CA

It's a Bryophyllum , that one happens to be delagoense, so the book says. It is also syn. with tubiflorum, so certainly not an incorrecrt name. Both are acceptable. Norma

Dripping Springs, TX

Thanks Norma! I may need some family planning for this thing. Maybe if I talk nice to it--it won't take over!

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)


Is the second foto (skinny shot) of
two plants in one foto?

Love, Lavanda

Valley Village, CA

Make sure it is growing on cement, that don't have any cracks.

At least it doesn't shoot the babies out 20 feet away, like Oxalis or Euphorbia obessa. LOL
To give it away tell people that it has red flowers, that can grow anyplace. A no care plant, that they can take vacations and it won't need food or water like a dog or cat, and will be waiting for them when they get home. LOL

I know one lady I think that was on this forum, that got 1000 hits on that thread. It really has a lovely flower and leaves. Very interesting leaves. Just don't put it in your garden. LOL Just enjoy the plant and thanks for the lovely pictures that were perfect to identify the plant. Norma

Dripping Springs, TX

Lavanda--yes, there is 2 different plants in one pot. Of course there are"1000s" Ha Ha!
Norma--thanks for all the info. I put it in really low light for a short time with out water. It seemed kill off some of the seedlings. Phew! I don't have teh patience to raise all those kids!

Valley Village, CA

Don't cut the flowers, if you don't want any more give the whole plant away, or just get rid of the leaves, that is your problem, it has leaves. But I have sad news for you, it's already tooooooooo late. It really is a lovely plant, I even have two in my garden of pots. I've heard reports that it will grow in your rug, no kidding. It doesn't need much soil to thrive, a 3" pot will do. I've seen it grow with low light. I've heard that it will grow in snow conditions, but really likes it best when it's hot. Flowers when nothing else does (Jan-Feb) thou mine did not this year at all. Great for kids, nursing homes, gifts, we potted a bunch up at the Huntington, the curator almost killed us, we sold them all, now he isn't laughing. I laughed as well, warned all who tried to buy them.
Get one, send her postage you will thank me that you did. It's really much nicer than the picture shows, even though it's a great picture. Oh, yes, I forgot it can be started from just 1 leaf, by tossing it on the top of the soil. Don't mail any to me. No name, he he he.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I keep my byrophyllums in pots on the porch and I don't have any trouble at all with them spreading and getting invasive. Because of the flower, this is one of my favorites of the byrophyllums/kalanchoes.

Thumbnail by Kelli

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