Buy/ Find of the Day

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

I became so inspired by this whole website that I went out yesterday (before the cold front would blow through) and took fotos.

Meanwhile, I also broke down (didnt take much convincing of myself) and bought some things....I found sansevieria
cilindrica. I took a foto, but then decided I had to HAVE it!

I dont have a digital camera, just a regular one, so will
post just as soon as I get the pics back. It is sooooo

Love, Lavanda (who had a nice day while the sun was out and the wind not blowing yet).

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Lavanda, I have never seen that sans in a nursery! I have some from a start someone gave me about 1977, and have never seen it anywhere else. One that I placed in a local business a few years ago bloomed the nicest spicy bloom stalk, and the ones my son took from here have bloomed frequently. Not a showy bloom, but a delightful scent up close. Looking forward to your photo.

Mcallen, TX(Zone 8a)

After it "grows up" a little I will share a cutting.....
Or it yu caint wait aftr seeing the foto, will buy you one if you wish. I love that nursery is an old and privately-run one, so they dont just order whole sale, they propagate and have some realy old things, that Mom grew and I want.

I dunno why, the older I get the more I want the things my Dad, Mom, and gramma grew that I can remember.

The sans is something the mgr said they have had a for a long time, and he had marked em all sold so he could have some propagation stock. But sold me one, I think it was like $7.00. And gave me some free cuttings (3) of other stuff. Even though I only spent $15 total. But he knows I am a regular, and I think he likes that I speak spanish to him- the mgr (not owner) is from Mexico.

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