PDB needs an identification

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Go_vols posted this elsewhere, and I thought some of you succulent lovers might be able to ID this lovely plant: http://plantsdatabase.com/t/371219/

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Now what the heck - I can not post there until I am registered and logged in. I thought I was registered and logged in - or why else can I post here? I'll look into that later - haven't got the time now to play games. ;-)

It's a Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Maddy

Thanks for the info. I know how frustrating it can be to run into brick walls. Lost three pages of order on a catalog website last night. I wasn't a happy camper, I can tell you!

Concerning your subscription, I checked the membership list, and you are certainly a paid member there, so I don't know what happened. If it persists today, click on my name on this thread to send me an email, and I'll report it.

Valley Village, CA

I have the "Purple Scallops" mine does not look like that at all. Mine is also in flower at this time as all of my Kalanchoe are, mine also grows to a height of 2 ft or more.
there is also sone that only grows about 14" there are forms which have red, yellow, white, pink, maginata, orange flowers. There is also a red leaf variety, with pink flowers, and of course several more varieties of this specie. Some of mine have orange leaves, or variegated pink/green/white. I have one variety that only grows about 8" and has maginata flowers, and red leaves. When in growth it is green. I wish I could be of help. When did they offically split the species to Bryophyllum I still have not seen anything regarding this split. Norma

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