25 cent cactus- what are they?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Just got these this afternoon. Yep, quarter each! I'm quite sure they are in no way "rare" but still would like to know the names of them.
The one on the left looks like it would fit into the "barrel cactus" category (of some kind). The one on the right really has my attention tho, what with its shape being "small-waisted" (bottom) and then filling out more widely at the top. Also I like the pattern of the "little thorny things" on that one! With proper care, any idea how big either will get? And what is a good nutrition to feed them with?
Much obliged!

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Valley Village, CA

I hate to address you as Horseshoe, but that is all you gave me. You are right at that price they won't give you a name, but they are nice little plants. I don't know cactus names at all, but Cowboy sure does, or Jeff Harris, or, or, I know how we take care of them, we do start to fertilize with liquid balanced plant foot delututed in half after you have watered first on April 1 give them new pots a little larger and with fresh soil, Water in thoroughly and don't water again until they are dry. I don't know your climate or growing conditions. Continue this procedure until Oct 1 them just leave them alone (almost) they should get some water but not the fertilizer until April l At the Huntington we are growing them out on tables with a 30% shade cloth. We find here, that if they are in 4" pots they must be watered weekly. The 6" pots a little longer. However the small 3" or smaller we must watch closely when it's hot, and perhaps sprinkle them down when the temps reach over 95 for several days on end just to cool off the plastic they we don't bake them. Fertilizers: There are several name brands that are good, I like slow growth, so I use bone meal in my soil. I use Osmocote, I have used Miracle grow, also Rose food. Tomatoe food is great at well, just use less than you would on other plants.

Valley Village, CA

Great pictures. Norma

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanky kindly! And as for addressing me as Horseshoe, that is what I prefer! (More people in the universe call me that than any other name!) (Course now, many DGer's just shorten it to "Shoe"...don't know why, I don't think I ever wear them!) :>)

Thanks for the tips! We're in zone 7 and I don't know if these are hardy here. I thought I'd just keep them in pots and move them up as they gain in size.
As for food for them, I started using Osmocote a couple yrs ago for flowering/bedding plants. (I still prefer to stay "naturally organic" in our food garden tho. I'm stubborn that way, ya know.)

So basically, right now they are in the "slumber" stage? Resting thru the winter months, and don't need food till the days warm and lengthen, right? I'll give them a special place in the greenhouse.

Thanks for the input! I appreciate it.

Valley Village, CA

I am going to hang up, and start looking for the names for your plants, I love research, it gives me pleasure when I can find the name. The next time I will remember it and it's a good way to learn. We are getting a false spring, it the fruit trees set flower now, we will not have fruit for the season. How would you like some itsy bitsy little Schick Echinopsis hybrids? They are very hardy to 20 degrees. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Hi Shoe, I can't find the names. My book shows mature plants that have been grown to perfection. I couldn't match them yet. I need to get out some more books. Norma

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

You're head is spinning like mine then!
I'll try to bring in the cactus man that RR introduced to us...we'll find out what is goin on here!

Thanks for lookin'!

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