
Lake Forest, CA(Zone 11)

Help, help,
I have a 38 year old spathiphyllum which is huge however it collapsed last Sunday.Some time ago a local nurseryman told me that to keep the leaves from "yellowing" to mix 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar with 1 gallon of water.I water my plant every two weeks and last Friday I added the mixture to my plant. On Sunsay afternoon it collapsed.The leaves, stems and spathe's are like rubber. In other words the plant has wilted.Yesterday I spent 4 hours on the Internet researching spathiphyllums and also talking to some nurserymen in Florida but nobody has any answers.I also poured 5 gallons of water through the pot yesterday and today hoping that I can leech out any remaining vinegar in the soil and that as the plant draws water the plant tissue will regenerate but who knows? I do not plan to water again until the soil dries,(that is if the plant is still living).I have also put stakes in the pot and tied all the stems to the stakes with wire to give them some support.
If any of you out there who raise spathiphyllums and can help me, please post your reply ASAP.I am very depressed over this but I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

I have no advice but do wish you well. Keep us posted. A 38 year old plant! I guess it is not best to change success.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I think I would remove all of the soil, soak it in soda or plain water for a few hours and remove all top growth. Then repot it and see what happens. I don't think these are acid loving plants so the vinigar likely damaged it badly. Repot it in fresh potting mix with just a little good compost in it if you have some. Aren't these are the plants we see growing in those Betta fish vases? They should be able to handle water pretty well.
GOD bless and best wishes.

new york, NY

plantforever please follow-up and let me know if your peace lily recovered I read your story and cringed my peace lily was my first plant and it's my baby.since you had yours for so long maybe you have a suggestion for me.eventhoughI keep it watered and the humidity high the leaf tips still brown.Any ideas?

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