New Year's (gardening) resolutions?

There are a total of 111 votes:

Keep a journal
(13 votes, 11%)
Red dot

Get my seed box straightened
(7 votes, 6%)
Red dot

Start more plants from seed this year
(15 votes, 13%)
Red dot

Order (or trade) more seeds/plants this year
(7 votes, 6%)
Red dot

Order (or trade) fewer seeds/plants this year
(5 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Try some heirloom vegetables
(0 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Use (more) organic gardening methods - compost, etc.
(4 votes, 3%)
Red dot

Learn the botanical names of my plants
(15 votes, 13%)
Red dot

I'm not going to make any resolutions
(33 votes, 29%)
Red dot

Other (please share!)
(12 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

I don't make any resolutions for New Year, I make promises to myself through out the year as and when the need arises.

Burwell, NE(Zone 4b)

If we don't get some moisture by spring, we won't have any gardens to make resolutions for!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

To start and keep a journal - for the entire year. Last year's efforts were pitiful and feeble at best; January 1 seems like a good time to start anew :)

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

I have to get my seeds organized. I keep misplacing my treasured seeds...I put them in a "safe" place, then forget where that safe place is. I lost some prized poppy seeds that I had gotten from Poppysue, as well as another unusual plant seed (also from poppysue) so have decided that I must get organized!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

My seeds are organized...I planted them all.

My journal isn't quite up to par, but it's not bad and won't take too long to straighten out.

What I really need to do is resolve to get my yard back in order after building the house and moving the trailer house out. Come early spring, the very first thing I need to do is build some beds around the new house so I can move the plants that are now sitting out in the middle of nowhere since we moved the trailer house out. (Lots of them got uprooted when DH hired someone to come in and level the yard, but I'm still thinking there will be some plants that persevere.) Then I need to work on the lawn and other beds.

I'm giving myself two summers to get this all done. Too much to do in one 3 month period.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I still think, working hand in hand with Mother Nature is based on trial and I can't make any special demands..Elaine

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Start more plants from seed this year, I just get more and more of seeds and don't have space and time to sow all them.. groansigh

This message was edited Monday, Dec 30th 3:16 AM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I want some kind of plan in place for my year.The only thing that I do that makes any sense is to start tomatoes on Valentine's Day...everything else just happens.I need to organize.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Since no one cannot check more than one of the boxes to vote, I checked "Other"...

I intend to do many things in the new year:

Work more closely with Nature, especially in my garden (See Machaelle Small Wright's books)
Start more from seed, and organize all my seeds
Plant more annuals and some foundation shrubs
Plant a cutting garden
Do more organic gardening
Start a worm compost bin
Organize my potting shed (again!)
Start and keep a journal
Learn and do more propagation
Make the time to Play

May we all have a Happy New Year!

I start to repotting all the cacti & succulents. I might start to make more potting soil from compost. Start to propagation & cutting. Rebuild lath house. I probably plant some seeds.

Happy New Year 2003

This message was edited Monday, Dec 30th 10:19 AM

Hi I'm new. I want to try more new things this year. We are gardening at this home for the 3rd spring next year, but have been gardening in the past for a long time. I'm a country girl and always will be.
I forgot to put what zone.
Zone 8

This message was edited Monday, Dec 30th 2:14 PM

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Welcome, Bernice! Your third spring at your new home? Hmmm, it must be exciting; I have been gardening in this location for a few years, I took over from my Dad who has been gardening here for 33 years.

I resolve to NOT PLANT ANY PERENNIALS IN THE GROUND AFTER MAY 15!!!!!! Oh well, what is a resolution for but to break? ;D Every year I swear I won't, break it, and when the summer dry spell comes, lose many of the new plants because I am unable to get the clay soil watered.

I will keep them in pots until Labor Day. I promise.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I need to find a way to organize my seeds! They are all over the place, shoved here and there and can't even find my private stash! This year, I may buy more plants and get them planted right away in spring and not til November when they must be in the ground! Last year I grew many different kinds of seeds in the house but most dropped dead before or soon after I planted them! (actually I wasn't home for a period and my son had to water them for me) Really, I planted many seeds outdoors and few came up. Somethings wrong, and its probably me!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

aww! I hoped botanical names would be high on the list. maybe it can be a Christmas present for 2003!

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I gotta figure out the common names before I can learn greek...LOL

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

It's not greek (some words only)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, I'm doing everything within my power to help us (all!) to learn more botanical names in 2003 ;o)

I could use some help from those of you who are further along the taxonomy path. Please check (and critique) the new additions to Botanary - they have been appearing in the daily newsletter since early this month. Be sure to send me an email if you see anything that doesn't look right (spelling or definition.)

And if you're not subscribed to the newsletter, you'll find a checkbox on your preferences page. If you're afraid of adding one more thing to your email inbox, you can read it in the "Extras" section (right hand column) - today's issue, plus an archive of past issues.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I resolve to HAVE a garden this year. We've got "new house clay backfill", and I'm determined to get some green around here! Daffodils and tulips went in in December, bearded irises before then (and my DH thought I was kidding when I said I was digging up all the irises from the old house and taking them with us...) and I think Feb will be a good time to plant roses (left the roses; the new owner wanted the roses :-( (I took cuttings of my favorites, though ;-)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

My resolution is to learn much more about brugs! I've a nice collection from some very generous DG members here and they are all beginning their 2003 in their transplanted pots (indoors). Now, to just keep them healthy and growing until they can be moved outside in May!

Well, a small greenhouse sure would be nice, too, but I think that is just a dream right now :)

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm going to continue to have fun gardening this resolutions needed just some resolve!

San Francisco, CA

Last year I decided to plant more seeds, and the project was limited in success. I tried many new seeds, but most of them did not make it. I also have a space problem. When you plant seeds you have an area of bare ground, and I like to see stuff in every spot, ao I like the instant gradification of cell plants. I have some planters, but when I see an empty planter, I want something in it, right away. This year I will do a moderate amount of seeds, instead of going over broad.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I have resolved not to resolve to anything. I did find all my seeds and now have them stored in only three places (freezer, refridgerator, or shelf). I will make some new flowerbeds and move some of Mom's plants here before we sell her home and after that I will plant a vegi garden. But I will not say those are resolutions because I may not be able to keep going on them and I refuse to break any more resolutions!!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I could only check one box also, organize my seed box. I would also like to start some type of journal and keep a list of what I really like and the correct name for it.
One of my goals is to learn how to take cuttings of my plants to share with others and also how to grow plants from seed without rotting them. lol


It's my first day on the net and first day at Dave's.
There's 6 inches of fresh snow outside my apartment window.
I'm playing with my small collection of houseplants and thinking "Summer"! I agree with some above that now is the time to get organized. I'm considering taking a Master Gardener course being offered locally. Starting a log is on top of my personal resolution list.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

greetings from the Emerald Isle, Pastorrob

Seffner, FL

I don't make resolutions anymore. Instead it live day by day.

New York City, NY(Zone 6b)

As my tolerant wife can attest, I make New Year's resolutions under the influence of fine wine and break them throughout the year as the need arises.

One I will ty to keep..., is to leave in the business arena the timetables and expectations that belong to that field of endeavour, and try to learn from gardening a sense of time and reward offered by the rising and setting of the sun, waxing and waning of the moon, the cycle of seasons, the deep slumber of winter, the exuberant rebirth of spring.


Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Well said Adam !


Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Ditto to what Adam said.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 8b)

My NYR is to get out the tiller and JUST DO IT!

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

If I made resolutions, which I don't, I would have checked all of the above, even if some seem to be contradictory - that is largely why I don't make resolutions. Life being about change - this is my subject for the year, I think - resolutions made in a moment of year end reflection can be broken with only a half moment's notice. I have never found a way to live other than one day at a time, and why would one want to? Sorting seeds, keeping journals, starting oodles of plants are things of pleasure - one shouldn't have to be stern about keeping up with them, just take it as it goes.

Welcome, Pastorrob. What a wonderful place to land on your first day online. And welcome to you, too, Bernice!

Mark, not only am I learning the latin, but I now use it in casual conversation and totally confuse people. They thought me strange before and are now totally confirmed in that opinion.

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