cactus blooms

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

This is some of the ones that are blooming now. These are one of my favorite plants.This one is a bright pink and true to color.

Thumbnail by busybee
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

This is the red.

Thumbnail by busybee
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

This one is white and has not opened yet but is full of buds.

This message was edited Wednesday, Dec 18th 6:55 PM

Thumbnail by busybee
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

This one is yellow.

Thumbnail by busybee
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

This is orange and not a color that I have seen before nor have I bought it. It may have crossed with others that I have.

Thumbnail by busybee
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

How long have you had the white one that hasn't bloomed? What a large plant. and what a neat variety.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

very pretty colors!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

That one belonged to my mother. When she died in 1986 it was divided up and everyone got a small piece. I have given some of it to a lot of people since then.

I'd love to trade you something for some of the purple and red cactus...this is Glory from Biloxi...I bet I could find a Brug you might want.

Have you ever had a problem with your larger Christmas Cactus dripping a clear sweet liquid? I kept finding this sticky stuff on my floor around the plant and realized it was coming from the Christmas Cactus

Thumbnail by Glory
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Glory, I will be glad to send you a start.

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