Rubber Tree Plant Problem

Severn, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a small rubber tree that is about 12 inches high. The leaves are falling off of it. The leaves look healthy but they keep on falling off. Please help!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Have you looked closely for spider mites?

lay the leaves in soil with the ends slightly in the soil maybe they will root it takes a while

Severn, MD(Zone 7a)

I checked and rechecked for any kind of bug there is nothing to be found:) I am going to try putting the leaf in soil the next time it drops some. I really love rubber plants. Is there any special soil that I should try?

This message was edited Wednesday, Dec 18th 11:24 AM

i just use my reguler potting soil which is mostly compost

Severn, MD(Zone 7a)

Now when I look at the plant it looks like there is new growth. I guess for right now I will keep my eye on it and see what it does.

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Bayside, I rescued a year-end sale rubber plant several months ago. It just appeared to be dirty, so it came home with me. For a few months, it seemed happy, but then many leaves fell off. I tried to set some into the soil as suggested above, but that didn't work. It almost appeared as if it went through a molting season. It stopped, and the plant is fine. I wish you luck. I must have dumb luck! LD

Reading that is almost just down the road. you need to be patient. i did some about a mounth ago and they are just now putting out a few small roots. you need to just forget about them unless they are actually dried up or rotted.

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Troy, yes, curled, dried, and completely dead. The funeral is tomorrow. ;) However, mother plant is very healthy. There's a strong chance that the mother plant was not allowing enough light to the leaves I planted. Perhaps, next time, they should go into a NEW pot with ample light.

lol that might help

Mohnton, PA(Zone 6a)

Ok, so I was being lazy, and just threw them into the old pot. But that was before I was a true member of Dave's Garden. Now, I'll have to be more circumspect.... and take a trip to the garden shop for more pots. LOL

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Bayside,
A cold climate,not enough mositure in the air,or not
enough light may cause a rubber tree plant to lose its
leaves. Good luck!

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