Big "Stinky" is blooming again

Dripping Springs, TX

Goofy thing is blooming so close to December & it's been outside the whole time. I thought the flies even went to Mexico by now--but one stopped by for a stay on this thing. Does anybody else have one blooming now?

This message was edited Saturday, Nov 30th 4:20 PM

Thumbnail by desert_rose
Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Nice plant!
Yes, the first bud on my Stapelia gigantea is about to pop open any moment now!
But - he hee - I am cheating. It is summer! :-)
They will flower non-stop now until the first frost hits them.

Well I am here in texas and mine is blooming,2 weeks ago I had about 4 blooms on one.Mine are kept in the kitchen greenhouse window.I love the 5 pointed star flower it is so unusual.

Dripping Springs, TX

Kitchen greenhouse! You really spoil yours..grin.... I let mine tuff it out--their still outside... I'm a tough luv mommy. Yours must not smell as bad as mine--or you have TX allergies.LOL

I always bring the plants in before the first frost.Do you think it would winter outside?I do not know much about them.And I have never noticed a bad smell.Lucky me!It was given to me and until now I did not even know the name for now that I think about it we all have stuffy noses.
It has been inside about 2 weeks now.

Dripping Springs, TX

I bring mine in or cover it if it looks like a freeze. If it goes much past 32 I don't risk it-- I bring it in. I live outside Austin & we're located in a weird micro climate on a hill. If it freezes in Austin most of the time we don't freeze. You must have another variety--mine gets flies in the bloom. I had others until my dog ate them... really.

Oh Wow!Desert-Rose I am new at this,I did not relize you lived so close.I am at Lake Travis[not far from you],now I know to look at where ppl are from.Well I am the opposite we freeze before Austin does.I wonder why I don't have my location by my name.Anyway nice to meet ya Desert-Rose.

Dripping Springs, TX

Hi neighbor! If you drive out to Fredrickburg or Wimberley I'm on the way. Do you have a deer problem? If you don't want to list your city you can put your zone.

Howdy Nieghbor,I do not mind listing my community..I will have to figure out how to later.I am Wingnuts nieghbor.I am very very new here,and to top it off I am not very puter We do not have trouble with the deer but we have the garden in the orchard and it has 9 ft. fence around it.We also have 5 dogs[1 excpecting any min. now]so the deer do not come up to the house.You are my first exchange of ideas here on Dave's Garden.I am very excited to be here and learn from ya'll.

Dripping Springs, TX

Did you try and click on your name? You maybe able to edit from there. The deer are brazen here. Plus, my H feeds them. We are going to try and fence our property in later. When ever we stop buying more.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i think they are so cool looking-im going to have to give her a try
do they grow as house plants? so different!

Dripping Springs, TX

notMartha-- I think they grow inside with light.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, another central Texas member! Things are really shaping up for a Centex roundup in the spring, with so many people in such a tight circle. Lucky you, being Wingnut's neighbor.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine stil has a few buds about to open..It has been non-stop all summer long..Mine is also still outside, but I did move it to a sheltered area..The coolest we have had is about 30 degrees..Any lower and it will come inside..I lost one a few years ago to a hard freeze..The flies are attracted to mine, but the smell has never been a problem..These are amazing plants..For most of the year, mine takes south GA full sun, no fertilizer. In very hot weather I water mine daily, as it is in pots..This time of year and especially when it comes inside, it only gets water every few weeks, until going back out in early March..

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Okay, Rhondalinstat, I don't believe I know that one. But isn't that a horse crippler behind it, the big thing that looks like a cushion? I have those in my pasture. Owe Jo one. See the other thread where you sent me here to look at this picture.

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

desert rose I had some blooming that time of year. I grow about 70 yes 70 varieties of these things with flowers ranging in size from about the size of a marble up to 18 inches. Oh by the way i'm new here as of about 15 minutes ago

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Desert Rose...I know this is a late posting to this thread is the name of this plant you call "stinky" It is pretty. Just not sure I have ever, NO, I know I've never ever seen one like this????? Help?

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

It's the giant "Stapelia" aka starfish cactus...Annabellgabby, I have some to share for postage if you want to root it..It roots so easily..Let me know..


Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Larkie, are you going to the RU at High Falls? That would save the postage right? Im going to be there. I would love to have some :-) It's cool looking as someone else stated above. What does it smell like and does it really attract flies? Hey lol..does it kill em' too, hehehe

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i really need one of those!

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