Stapelia predators

Dripping Springs, TX

Ok--My dog ate--yes-- I said ate-- all my stapelia plants. 10+ Plants. Is this a normal occurance? My other dog -the angel-- left them alone. What's up with that?

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

OH DR!!!!!!!
You poor thing! Are the roots still there or did it eat the whole thing?
I have some cuttings I can send you if you want.
Can't replace them all, but can help some.

Dripping Springs, TX

She ate the roll ball and soil too. She was "going" outside and leaving perlite. I guess she needed an herbal laxative.

This message was edited Wednesday, Nov 27th 10:11 AM

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

LOL, email me and I can send you some of the ones I have.

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