Plants to trade

I'm new to the site, but addicted to plants. I have 9 pothos plants, 2 creeping charlies, and 5 spider plants, among others. Of the one's I have mentioned, I am happy to trade clippings for something you might want to share. I recently went to Hawaii and brought back 4 ti plant stems. I'm waiting to see what happens with them. I live in San Diego, CA but will be moving to the east coast in the summer. I spoil my plants and keep the house at a comfortable temp for them. I would love to get some new additions to my house, but need to know how to properly care for them. Looking forward to some replies!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

What type of pothos do you have? It is getting a little cold to trade, but maybe we could set up a trade in the Spring. I have been looking for a fiddle head pothos and also there is smaller swiss cheese looking leaf that I would love to have.

In the meantime. Welcome to Dave's.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

I second KathyJo's question, what kind of Pothos' do you have? I've been wanting a Epipremnum/Scindapsus/Pothos... lutea variegata (Neon). Also, what kind of Chlorophytum/Spider Plants do you have? I've been wanting a 'Bonnie' (curly).

I agree, holding off until spring would be better for trading.

I don't have a trade list set up here, but if you e-mail me I can take an inventory of what I know I'd have cuttings of come spring.

And, KathyJo, if my Monstera-whatever-its-name-is (small lance-leaf with oval holes, not splits) is long enough by then, I could set you up with some cuttings from it.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

ah yes, in the Spring I'm sure we can set up a trade. LibbyLiz, I would love a small piece of your Monstera with the holes. That sounds like what I have been looking for. I also love syngoniums. I have 5 different kinds. I bought a pink leafed one that I don't have enough to trade yet. But, maybe by Spring. Maybe a syngonium for your little Monstera? I love doing trades for more than one item at a time.
zunflowerz, I love ti! I would guess that the ones you got are all the same kind? Or are there different varieties?

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)


I already have a dusty-pink type Syngonium. Awww shucks. What others do you have?! Another gal's sending me a light & med or dark green variegated Syngonium in the spring. Most recently I received cuttings of a Mottled, some sort of white on green, & some sort of yellow on green types that are struggling to root. :-(

As if you couldn't tell, I'm a sucker for family collections -- Chlorophytums, Syngoniums, Philodendrons, Monsteras, & Epipremnums/Scindapsus'.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I have always tried to figure out when exactly do you become a collector of a type of plant? I don't know how exactly to explain the ones I have. I have one that I would say has got pink in it that isn't at all like the one that is really and truly pink. a light pink I would say. white on green and yellow on green, mottled? neato. Hope you have good luck with them. I have one I got from an elderly neighbor. I will have to see if I can find a pic. I have lots of all the ones I have except the pink.. .
If we find that you already have all the syngoniums I have surely we can find something I have that you don't. I hope any hoo.

This message was edited Monday, Nov 25th 9:29 PM

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

After years of realizing what plants do well for me in a given environment (not the right humidity, temp, or lighting inside); according to my watering habits (tend to let them go a tad dry); space available (ceiling hooks, corners of floor space open); what growth habits I like (vining & trailing), etc., I go from there.

You see, I've killed many a Fittonia, Croton, Aralia, Gardenia, China Doll, Palm, & other finicky, high humidity-loving, cooler temp, and/or sun-loving plants.

I have a problem not watering something for months in the winter, or not watering for months in the summer depending on where it's from, so I've killed C & S. Although my son has a large collection of C & S I take care of. It's touch & go with them 'cause I'm afraid to water them & yet I'm afraid not to water them.

I like to shower the dust off my plants & touching them comes with the job, so tender foliage plants like African Violets, Baby's Tears, & Palms sometimes tend not to do so well for me. However, I'm going to try AVs again, for my son, who's always wanted some.

All these trials & errors have led me to where I am today. I found I liked certain families of plants & one of them is rather large; Aroids! I'd never have enough money, space, or time left on the planet to collect them all.

As for the Syngonium that I call "dusty pink", new leaves are a beautiful solid, glossy pink. The next older leaves are a subdued pink, hence "dusty". The oldest leaves are a subdued/"dusty" green with pink veining. There are also leaves in between these stages & colors. I don't know if it's a Berry Allusion, Allison, or what type.

BTW, I'm headed to MO Weds morning to visit with the inlaws until early Sat or Sun. Tomorrow's 'gonna be a busy day packing, cleaning, watering plants, shopping, etc.!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Where in Mo. are the inlaws?

I may have a few unnamed african violet leaves to share in the Spring if you want.

Sounds like my pink may be the same as yours.

I have one type of syngonium that has a very split leaf. Similar to the one (but not exactly like) that is fourth row down and second to the right at the website above.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)


I'm sorry that we hijacked your thread!

I'll e-mail you privately KathyJo.

what Aroids do you have ??
and do you have any to trade

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Without looking directly at them, I can give you an approximate number of what I have... 5 Syngoniums, 2 Monsteras, 3 Philodendrons, & 3 Scindapsus'/Epipremnums.

They're all a bit on the small size at the present to consider a trade. I had to scale down quite a bit for a move from WA State to AR this past June & some I received in a trade this summer that are struggling to root. I'm thinking or rather hoping most'll be big enough to take a start or two from come spring.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

LibbyLiz,I'm hooked on the biggest,Alocasia Macrorrhizza if you want a baby in spring let me know.Have Fam in Ark,or will send via snail. Rtdr.

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the offer, but I've seen the size Alocasias get. I've been staying with guys & gals in the Aroid family that have smaller leaves. If I got one from you, it'd probably not survive the winter here outside.

Though, do you have yours outside? Or is yours strictly an inside plant?

This message was edited Tuesday, Dec 3rd 9:55 AM

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