Will they be solid green?

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

I got some broken pieces of a variegated Sans for free today since they were laying all over the floor of HD & would've been swept up & thrown away.

I'm going to root them, but I thought I read somewhere that after the cuttings are well rooted & put out new shoots, the babies will be solid green.

Is this true?

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Well, I found the answer on my own. Yes, the foliage will be solid green. So, since there's been no answer from anyone else, let me move this down the page. :-)

Dripping Springs, TX

That was a little scary. He! He!

Valley Village, CA

If you haven't tossed them out, plant them and just see what comes up. You may have a surprise. Many revert back to the weirdest plants that you didn't expect. The new offsets may grow into something rather nice, and change color as they mature, they also just many toss up baby plants of their own that are variegated. Start them in the smallest pot that they will fit into. Crasulady2

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