Cactus buying

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

We discovered a place fairly near us that does desert landscaping and has good prices on their cactus, so of course, we discovered that we needed many more cactus(es). We brought home 4 today (they'll go nicely with the last 5 that aren't planted yet. We got a Prickly Pear with HUGE pads and not too many stickers, an Organ Pipe (fairly small) a Golden Organpipe, and another little thing with stickers on it but the kid didn't know what it was called. :-) I started out last spring looking for just a couple to fill pots where I can't keep anything else alive, and now I have a collection. Wha' happen?

Dripping Springs, TX

Welcome to the club! The rest of us can't stop either.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

It's really funny, I never had much desire for cactus before. Most people don't do a very good job with their gardens, it seems, and I could just go to the desert and see more cactus than I wanted, anyway. Then we found a really neat blue cactus and it just seemed to whet my desire for more, more. It could be a sickness. I seem to think I should have one of everything, at least. Well, at least I'm not big into the other succulents...yet.

Dripping Springs, TX

It's easy when you don't have to water them. I hate to put anything in pots--except cactus & succulents.

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