Senecio rowleyanus

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

A trade fell through where I was supposed to get some rooted cuttings of this plant & I was a bit disappointed.

Does anyone have any of this they're willing to share? I know there's a Plant Trading forum, but I thought I'd try here first, if it's not too late to be shipping C & S.

And since this is the C & S forum, I guess I should offer only C & S in return.

I have 2 Beaucarnea recurvatas/Nolina tuberculatas (Pony Tails) OR a couple/few Kalanchoe tomentosas.

I also have the following seeds:
* Anacampseros
* Hylocereus...? (Strawberry Pear/Pitajaya/Night-blooming Cereus)
* Opuntia? (Cactus Pear)
* Yucca... (Candelabra?)

Otherwise, the only other thing I have to offer is to pay postage.


This message was edited Monday, Nov 11th 11:56 AM

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

I have Senecio rowleyanus, I could send you a few unrooted cuttings.
maby someone has something rooted, if not e-mail me and I will send you some.
I will wrap them up warm and cozy *LOL*

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

I'm leaving town in a few minutes & might not have computer access until Sunday when I return, but I'll e-mail you then!

Thanks for the offer!


Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)


I've also got some Senecio rowleyanus that I could share with you. It's in a 6" hanging basket and I can send you some rooted portions in exchange for your night blooming cereus. LMK.

Richmond, VA

Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

Hello from one Elizabeth to another!

It's getting a bit cold to do another trade now. We're supposedly getting a wintry mix come Tues!

If the cuttings Carmen sent me don't root, or if I end up with a sparse pot 'cause some took & others didn't, come spring I'd like you to look me up & I'd gladly do a trade with you then!

Let me know!

Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)

Hi LibbyLiz!

Sounds great to me. Keep me in mind in case your senecio doesn't make it through the winter.


Fairchild Air Force , WA(Zone 7a)

You got it! I printed out this thread & will keep it handy for March, April, or whenever spring decides to rear its pretty head. :-)

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