What about Haworthia, and Gasteria

Valley Village, CA

Who of you collect these two species? Any suggestions for black spot? When do you take your offsets? Norma dba Crasulady

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

I have a couple of Haworthia also, but I don't have them identified. Any websites for good identification on these guys?

Valley Village, CA

Not that I know of. Breck Breckenridge has a forum going on these two species. He may have a website. Bayers book would be a good place to start if you need pictures, and there is a forum availablem, He claims to have a national collection which we don't have in this country. We don't live in England, they do have national collections. The largest collector of Haworthia that I know is Bob Kent. Steven Hammer may be as well, and is a real expert. Bruce Bayer is a known expert in Africa.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi both
I came across this site and wondered if it might help. Lovely plants!

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks Philomel! Will check it out when I get home. Not supposed to be on the internet while I'm at work, but I put a modem in my work pc and connect when no one is looking, hehe. Just can't stay away from DG!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)


Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

(wink) nobody can be good ALL the time :-)

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