is everyone else out there being battered?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I hope you're all weathering these high winds better than we are!We were out at 11.30 last night trying to cut down a fremontodendron that was blowing off our wall, taking the sky dish with it.It was dark, lashing with rain, lightening,blowing a gale,and poor hubby was there with the big long saw on a pole trying to saw it through!!!We were soaked ,frozen, covered in prickly hairs from the plant,He'd only been and put two bolts in the wall and tied it back theat afternoon,because I told him if it went,it would take the sky dish, it had pulled both bolts right out of the wall!!you can imagine his panic LOL. no sport for a while, ohh no! When he went out this morning to look at it, all the jasmine had pulled off too,hanging down like a curtain in front of the door, taking the phone line too, it's not snapped luckily, but it's pulled the shething off it so about 2ft is exposed wires, don't know what'll happen if it gets wet.So we had to spend this morning hacking all my lovely jasmin down, so's we could get out of the door.Stiil, it could be worse,at least plants grow again,I just hope that everyone else is o.k.Glad I'm not out at sea in it,I like waves, but think that this is a bit too rough.Have put before and after photos, so you can see what we lost.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

this is what was there!

Thumbnail by sueone
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

this is what's left this can see from the miscanthus in front, what the wind's doing!!

This message was edited Sunday, Oct 27th 4:38 AM

Thumbnail by sueone
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

are you o.k. baa, I've just seen that there was a mini tornado in Hants,hope it wasn't near you.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

See we were posting at the same time sue :)
Hope you're OK, and Baa - how are things your way Debby?

Birmingham, United Kingdom

We're certainly being battered here in the West Midlands.There are pots literally flying round the garden. Even the wheelbarrow has been jumping about !!

That's a lot of shrub that came down Sueone!

The tornado was in Porchester just down the road from here, it apparently picked up a garage. Fortunately no one was hurt.

However, I've just read that 4 adults and 2 children have died in the winds. It's been about 40-60mph here so far but the Mumbles had a gust at over 96mph.

Me? I'm staying indoors as boring as seems. Mom rang me this morning and told me she'd let the poultry out and the chickens were blown straight up the garden and into the duck pen *G*

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

Here in the Central Alps we've got a gale (very unusual for here) and the children downstairs have very kindly returned what's blown off the balcony. Their garden gnome has been having flying lessons! The weather report said any wind would be in the central lowlands and from the west but what we've got is a warm south wind; it's like at the end of a Föhn, but we haven't had a Föhn (warm air current from the south that brings unseasonal warm air north to the alps and the air is so clear the distant mountain look half a mile away and it always ends with a big wind).

Our thoughts are with you in the south and south west and I hope you don't have any more damage. Take care!

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

The river here is in full speight, quite a sight to see. I think that we have missed the very strong winds here in Northumberland. I feel for everyone who has had their gardens and houses battered. Take Care

Rather windy in the north west too but luckily no serious damage in our neck of the woods. Weather like this is very scary and a sobering reminder of the damage that the elements can inflict upon us.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

We're getting a hammering here in Hamburg tonight.
Trees down all over the city, and large branches smashing through houses etc.
2 women were killed after a tree fell on their car today, just outside of the city.
Altogether there have been 22 deaths in Europe since yesterday morning. This is a real humdinger of a gale.

*good luck everybody*


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Wow i hadn't realised it was so widespread Wintermoor. 6 people dead here, 3 of them children. Very sad.
It seems to have played itself out now where i am. It's all gone very quiet, the contrast makes it seem quite eerie.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Yes Philomel,
there have been gusts of over 185 kmh (115 mph) recorded here in Hamburg, but we always get the worst gales and hurricanes here, being near the coast, and in a situation like Glasgow, 40 miles from the coast, but the river channels the storms straight into the city.

It's 00:35 here now, and we've been getting this storm since 16:00 hrs today, and it will probably last until tomorrow evening. We get storms here anyway, but the first is normally around the middle of November then quite often until the end of April, so we're a couple of weeks ahead this year. It's warm again though.


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

All the very best then Wintermoor and anyone else out there that's still got this thing.
It stayed warm here too during the day yesterday, but with a clear sky (& very bright moon)it dropped right down during the night

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

After watching the news and seeing the tragedys yesterday, it makes you realise just how strong nature can be, and we really don't have much defense.Jazzy came back from a friends yesterday, and they were playing in the garden with others,I was very uneasy about it,but kept thinking ,no, don't be paranoid, it's only wind, they'll be o.k. Then you hear about those poor kids killed, one in a pushchair even.As kids we used to go to Portland ,or Preston beach road ,to watch the waves crashing over the sea-wall, some used to be stupid enough to try to brave the waves, it makes me shudder now ,to think of the stupid and dangerous things that we used to get up to. trouble is when you're younger .you don't see the danger.At least our damage is repairable.It'll be interesting to see what B.T. will charge us for the phone-line.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

We had the hurricane late afternoon/evening. We lost electricity for a short time and I couldn't start my computer again! DS sorted it out for me. Balcony boxes just blown off the shelves and window sills (and they're so heavy). Only one person killed here (by a falling tree) but most people seem to have obeyed the instruction to stay at home.

My sister, in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, lost roof tiles.

The funny thing was - the wind was so warm - more like a fan heater!

Hope all is well in Hamburg, Wintermoor - it sounded bad up there and they were talking of flooding on the Elbe in your region last night (we watch German tv here).

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

we had a lovely weekend and missed out on the strong winds.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry you all had to deal with this and for the loss of life. Mum and family are OK in Bucks but I know that most of the fenlands in East Anglia were badly hit. It's so flat there of course. My DD in Germany got off lightly considering the many trees that came down in her area. Your wee garden must have been protected Barry!! I think, and I hate to say this, that more storms are on their way, or so the weather forecasters are predicting. So far, so good for us here in Virginia but that won't last. Last year we were in the 80s and now it looks as though snow is coming this week. Take care everyone!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

Thanks Louisa

It's calmed down now but we had our first frost last night.

The US sounds to have seasons as variable as Europe - we are looking forward to a snowy winter/an icy winter/a wet winter/ a dry winter/ a mild winter/ a stormy winter - take your pick! And I thought Swiss seasons were going to be more stable than the UK.

If more storms are on the way, I'd better go and gather my broccoli seed and tie up my sunflowers (left in situ in winter for the birds)

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