Is this a flower bud forming?

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

I have this selenicereus and I was wondering if this is a flower bud forming?

Thumbnail by zameluzza
Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Hi zameluzza :-)
Isn't it a bit late for Selenicereus flowers in your area?
It looks like a new shoot to me, however I might be wrong, I haven't had any Selenicereus flowering for me yet.
But the epi's have been in flower here right now!

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi Maddy,
nice to see you again.
well yes, it would be very late for it. I had it in the greenhouse and now it's inside.
It looks a little different then a shoot, but I could be wrong. I have had this for a few years now, and it has never flowerd.
maby I want it to be a flower bud.

my eppy did not flower this year. but a cutting from mine did flower for mi SIL last year and we missed it :(

thanks again will let you know what it is as it grows :)


Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Maybe if you wish for it hard enough, it will turn into one! ;-)
You missed the epi flowers?! Well, have a look at my 'Ackermannii' then! :-) Sadly they didn't last very long as we only had about 2 weeks of spring this year. Now it is already too hot for their likes.


Thumbnail by maddy
Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

that looks like my unnamed variety. I wonder if it is the same? is the mouth of the flower wider then the spread of a hand? does it drip nectar?

This message was edited Friday, Oct 18th 10:53 AM

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

oh maddy thats a nice one,
the one I missed was a cutting I gave to my SIL and I told her to call me no mater what time!! I wanted so badly to see it bloom.

well she missed it to :(

here are some before and after pictures. the best part is missing :(

Thumbnail by zameluzza
Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Zameluzza. You don't know me, -but you've just been trading with a friend of mine (Brugcrazy!) My brother is a florist in Maxville, -just off Highway 19. He has ackermanni, -because I sent it to him. Go talk to him sometime, -(when you have a lot of time!!) He'll give you a chunk! He's a good guy.
Freeland Flowers, Maxville, Ontario.
Cheers, Barbara
Campbell River, B.C.

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Zamezulla, Second question. Do you know what happened to the couple that were growing orchids in
Alfred? I was trying to buy some, and then they seemed to shut down really quickly. Any ideas?

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Hi Carmen!
I believe this is an E.oxypetalum. If you sleep at night, you miss the flowers, as it is a night-blooming one! I have that one too, but it is still too small to flower.
this ackermanni is one of the old, fairly common ones. even my mother had one of those, way back in CH. The flower is small, overall petal length about 70 mm, and it didn't open further than the palm of my hand. No, it doesn't drip nectar.
There are so many epi hybrids around nowadays that I have long given up trying to identify them and I just enjoy looking at the flowers.
Here is another common one. This one is larger, but don't ask me the name of it. :-)

Thumbnail by maddy
Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

Maddy yes it's a oxypetalum,

Barbara, please e-mail me
I will look it to this. and I did not know that they have a florist shop in Maxville. Now I know where I have to go and visit :)


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