euphorbia ferox problem

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i have 3 of these which i recently purchased in cactus garden....they are nice sized but from the bottom up they look kinda not look almost like they are withering....the top is green...the plant is not mushy at all.....i just wonder if this is from it being to dry? in mid missouri so im sure these were in the sun all day long....all the other plants in the dish look fine....i know very little about this other than i just got it a couple of weeks ago and it did get some rain one day...then brought it in because the temps are dipping to 40 some does have well draining soil...any thoughts?...should i try to get a pup off to save it? almost has a whitish coating to it but it doesnt come it said its not mushy...thanks for any and all help....:)


Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

This often happens to Euphorbias that they turn brown/grey at the base. Although you can propagate it from cuttings, I wouldn't remove any at this stage. This is a mound-forming Euphorbia, and once it fills out I am sure it will look better as by then only the growing ends will show.
Make sure you keep it dry in winter and with good air circulation around it all year.

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