Epiphyllum caught in the act

Neat. Too bad epiphyllums are so hard to photograph (what with them only opening at night).


Thumbnail by dave

Here is a picture without the flash. It shows up much better, but you can't see the pure white as well.


Thumbnail by dave
Valley Village, CA

Dave, hi, I remember my first date with my husband, we went to cactus Pete to buy an Epi for my Grandma for mothers day, now that was 51 years ago, they were in full flower during the day, several of mine last for more than a day. Do you mean they start to open at night but close later during the day. Please explain. Norma

Hi Norma, welcome back! :)

These flowers pretty consistently close almost as soon as the sun hits them the next day. I found that if I bring the container indoors, the blooms will last up to 48 hours before they start to wilt.


North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Dave, is this a night-blooming Cereus???? night-time only?? Many of my epiphyllums bloom for two days, at least! As we speak there is one in my glasshouse that is a combination of hot pink and cerise!!! Elaine

My blooms shrivel as soon as the sun hits it. If it is in the shade, mine will last a good 2 days. Yes, I think it's also called Cereus.


Valley Village, CA

Dear Dave, many of my friends are requesting a Hoya Forum of nice people, and a Sansevieria Forum. Do you have the room for us? Crassula, Sedum, Aeonium, Group would be nice as well. I don't like Yahoo it's difficult to navigate, I don't like the other Hoya group, they are just plain nasty soriety types. We need a friendly group to run and hide. The Sansevieria numbers about 170 and the Hoya about 270

What sez you?

I'd do it, sure. But how many of those people are willing to pay the subscription cost in order to access?


Valley Village, CA

I don't think any of them can afford it. The other forums do not charge extra. I don't know how they manage. I do appreciate your forum, and feel comfortable here with you, I hate Yahoo, and the other Hoya forum that I'm on. I think the people are nicer, much nicer than the other forums.
And by the way I must owe you another box of plants, Echinopsis this time? Did the other plants live? Where you able to sell any of them? Thank you Dave for even considering this proposal. Norma

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