Succulent ID please

I saw many wonderful succulents recently when I was in Sardinia for my honeymoon. Can anyone ID this one? Also, does anyone have any cuttings of this or similar blooming succulents?

Thumbnail by Studley
Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Hi Studley,
I believe this is Malephora crocea (a member of the Mesemb family). In winter the wild doves love to eat the leaves when they are short of other food and moisture.
Yeah, I got plenty of this, too bad you are so far away!

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

the 'leaves' look like one that i have called sea fig...i cant remember the latin name...dang...but mine does not have that color of flower...very pretty, yours is...:)


Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Maddy, can they be grown from seed? They are gorgeous.

Sodwana Bay KZN, South Africa

Hi lupinelover,
I am sure they are quite easy from seed. I haven't tried it as I haven't had the need yet - they multiply fast enough as it is! ;-)
brommom, I think the one you are referring to is the Carpobrotus (on another one of Studley's pictures). Here it is called Sour fig.
Malephora is a lot smaller than Carpobrotus, and shrubbier, leaves are a little bit bigger than Lamparanthus (just in case this means anything to someone). It's always difficult to judge the size from a picture if there is nothing to compare it to.

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