New Member for Cactus

Crossville, TN

Hi folks...we have a new member that will be lots of help in this forum (which we are trying to rename to Cactus and Succulents...or a seperate one for Cactus). He is LeJefe...from the Arizona Cactus and Succulent Research Center in Bisbee, AZ. Here is the link to that web site:

You might go to Welcome mat and give a Hello to LeJefe...also vote in the Dave's Garden forum on a new cactus forum. Jo
I just wanted to add my Cholla Cactus! LOL Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

that is neat. Thanks for the pic.

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Jo, I love your cholla photo. Did you see the one I posted? A cholla that is hardy here in OH! I love it! Haven't planted it yet, I still have to finish amending the soil so the poor thing doesn't drown.

P.S. Thanks for the link: I bookmarked it! Me and my desert

This message was edited Sunday, Sep 15th 3:11 PM

Crossville, TN

Glad to see you back in our desert, Lupine!! Jo

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Jo, in my heart, I never left. I always preferred the Sonora Desert, but I also love the others: Chihuahua, and Coconino (is that right?), and all the others (8 deserts in AZ? Is that the right number?)

My absolute favorite place is the Organ Pipe National Monument. Breathtakingly beautiful. I read an article, though, that the drug-runners were ruining it. That is hard to believe, my memories of it are so beautiful.

A major regret is that I never got out to wander around Joshua Tree Monument in CA when I drove through it several times. But just viewing it through the car windows was awe-inspriring.

Will you make a few photo safaris for me and post some views? Please?

Crossville, TN

Sure!! Send money! LOL Jo

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

is this what u want to see ...

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

JO your photo just reminded me that I have some planted in a corner of my back yard. They are about six foot tall with several in a three foot circle. They are really hardy. Never water them. Beautilful blooms this year. What is the best way to provagate some more.

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Tarogers, all branching cactus (as far as I know) can be propagated by just breaking off an arm or pad and putting it on the ground. They root. I have successfully done that with cholla and prickly pear, as well as other types of succulents that have that kind of branching system. El Jefe could give you better expert advice, though :)

Here's a photo of my new hardy cactus. (I just love being able to add photos in a thread. Thanks again so much Dave)

Thumbnail by lupinelover
Crossville, TN

Ted, Lupinlover is right...even I can grow them!! LOL On mine they have been dropping wee little pads under the main plant...and just grow from there...but you should let them "rest" or "scab" at the break...for about a week I'd say...(so I was instructed during my first visit with El Jefe two years ago...and they are growing). Jo

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks. Think I will increase the size of this garden.
Take a litle corner of Arizona and put it there. As I have clay soil would it be better to make it into a raised bed or just amend the soil with sand? Then everyone can help by trading or something. Im going to do it!!!

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Ted, my soil is also heavy clay, so rather than mix it with sand (everyone says not to do this) I dug a trench about a foot under the bed, and am lining it with a layer 6" deep of pea gravel. then I will put the clay back. That is what the local Cactus Club member told me is my best bet. We usually have very wet winter and spring, so I needed to make sure they would not sit on soggy soil for several months.

I am sure El Jefe would be able to give better advice for your area, though. And if you happen to have any spare cuttings, I would love one or two (hint hint ;D

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