
Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

did you know that gardenias will root in a glass of water. i didn't. discovered it by accident.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks jcf - that sure make life easy doing cuttings this way - thanks for the post :-)

In a window? greenhouse? outside? East, South, West, or North? I am a gardenia serial killer...I buy one every year and slowly kill it. My annual sacrifice. But someday I'm going to learn the secret...I've seen huge shrubs of gardenias in Dallas and I know there must be a way on black clay alkaline soil.

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

Gardenias are acid loving plants. I just cut some some branches off mine and stucck them in a mayo jar full of water and put the in indirect on top of my microwave and within a month I had roots. My gardenias are outside all year here in southern ga. They do fine. Sadly they only bloom once. You can grow gardenias in large pots and this might be best for you because then you can give it the soil it needs without a lot of hassel.Good luck

Thanks for the information. See, I'm going to try it again...I don't give up easily on these...I love gardenias.

(Zone 9a)


I'm on black alkaline clay, too. I have 3 gardenias on my property: 2 growing at ground level in full sun, 1 growing in raised bed on east side of house (afternoon shade). All 3 were planted in amended soil.

The only one that has done well is the one next to the's 10'tall x 6'wide and literally covered in blooms.

Although soil amendments are vital for gardenias to grow in alkaline soil, drainage and afternoon shade seem to play a role as well (at least here in TX).

Hope this helps.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Gardenias root so easy in soil or water.. I am in Southern GA also, but mine blooms from Spring until frost off and on..

Thanks for the info, Bloomer. What did you use to amend the soil in your raised bed?

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

It is true that afternoon shade helps. Both of mine get it and they seem to bebefit from it. Mine only bloom once though. I wished they bloomed akll season.

(Zone 9a)


I amended mostly with humus and sand. Never fed it with anything special....maybe some compost occasionally.

Had some problems with white flies a few years ago, but sprayed with a mild soap solution and that solved the problem. For some strange reason, they haven't reinfested that plant again. And it is in full, glorious bloom right now.

I think I'm going to shovel prune the other 2.......finally put them out of their misery!

Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My gardenia has developed lots of yellow leaves which are falling off. Have fed it with miracid and does not seem to help. The other gardenia (brother to the first) is doing very well. Has blooms and shiny green leaves. HELP!!!!!

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

Larkie, i want some of your gardenias or else some of your soil....

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

I grow gardenias in pots. I give them left over cream or sugar. I just had one bloom. Ummm, they smell soooo great!

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