Flying off

Valley Village, CA

I'm leaving Friday on vacation and will not return until Oct 5 have fun while I'm away. Norma

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh Norma, I am anxious to hear all about your trip when you return. I don't get to travel much and love to hear about everything in depth. I know how much you have been looking forward to this.

Kathy Jo

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

norma...make it an exciting and never to forget journey...good luck..Elaine

Valley Village, CA

I'm making my last calll for all of you that were expecting a box from me. If you sent in your postage you should have received your box by Friday, If you haven't sent in postage don't expect a box. I want to be notified on Friday, if I still owe you a box. I'm down to slim picking except I do have extra a few extra H. mac. Would you believe I gave my last H. Kerrii away, now I don't have one, he he he I probably would have given away the kitchen sink if I had it out in the greenhouse. Norma

Vancouver, BC(Zone 7a)

Norma, have a wonderful time over there.
Be cautious, -but have a blast!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Have a great time Norma!!!

Valley Village, CA

Thank you all, my daughter requested vanilla beans of all things. Only Madagascar Vanilla Beans. Norma

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