thanks norma

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i got the info you sent about eppi seems to me i cant find that happy medium between moist and not must find it so i dont lose these beautiful plants....i will try harder....thanks again...:)


Valley Village, CA

I live in Calif. we start them out this way,3- 6 cuts to a rose pot which is 2x 6 " deep. First we cut them, making sure we knew which end is up. Let them dry for a week and set them into slightly damp soil, and don't water for a week. During the summer June -Oct.1 we water weekly followed by a liquid bath of fertilizer. They do like to dry out between waterings. We use an extremely fast draining potting soil. Super Soil is fine, if you add a lot of pumice or perlite. Coir would be a good substitute.
In the winter we cut way down on water. They should flower in June, even the young ones may flower for you. Let me know if this works for you.
If you have high humidity you may want to cut down on water even more. Use a chop stick and put it half way down into the soil, and see if its wet, if so, do not water. If it is cloudy do not water. If it is raining do not water. If it is hot and dry, well you know what to do, ask the plants they will tell you, smile when you talk to them, they are watching. Norma

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