bloom time?

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I was so proud, not only did I keep a cactus alive (I ususally water things alot)but I had not one, but two buds! And then, When it did bloom It was gorgeous! I was going to take a picture and post it. I was so proud!. But, the bloom only lasted one day. Is this normal? I'm sorry that don't know the name of the cactus.

Valley Village, CA

Sounds like a Echinopsis to me. If bred to do so they will last more than one day in cool beach weather, or in the shade. They are now bred to last up to 3-4 days the longest. Yes, it is normal for many cactus specie. This plant probably started to open after the sun went down, (a night flowering plant) then go down about 2-3 in the afternoon the latest if you are lucky. Don't fret, keep fertilizing it after you water weekly, it may flower once a month for you through Oct. depending on the water and your care. I hope I made a lucky guess. Norma

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the info. I do hope it blooms again! Will it produce seeds? Does it need a pollinator?

Valley Village, CA

Kathy Jo, I don't know if they are self fertile, I really don't think so, perhaps I should call Bob Schick and ask him. He even told me how to get rid of a Black Widow spider that I was afraid of. Gutsy, cheeky spider, it came out during the day time. Norma

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't think it produced any seeds. oh well. It was cool while it lasted.

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