recovering from knee surgery

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

July 1st, I had Total Knee Replacement surgery and I am a lot better, but I am afraid to go outside in the yard. What if I fall? It is getting to be a desperate thing, as my plants (especially, my roses!) are dying. I had a friend come over Saturday to look for a rose to rescue, and she brought in, the saddest plants...and she said a lot of them are looking worse. (she has watered for me a bunch of times) My husband has watered too, but his idea of watering, is to turn the water on, for five minutes, ten, tops, which does nothing other than make the poor things hot on the surface. I just need to get out there...they Need me! No one can coddle them all, like I do. Not sure what I am asking for here, just frustrated, and need to vent.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Here's hoping you can make it out there to water your babies. Try not to overdo it.....I can imagine how scary it might seem if you were to fall. Just take it easy and be careful.

Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

Just be very careful and maybe you can get someone to go out with you the first few times.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks that is an idea. I have suggested that to my husband, but....I think he thinks I should be a lot further along the recovery process, he doesn't understand the seriousness of the surgery. I asked him before all this...if he was prepared for all the things he would have to do for awhile? he told me Yes, but I don't think he had a clue, as to all there is to do. The laundry, shopping, taking out the trash...(he didn't even know what day, the pickup was scheduled!) Oh well, I can only do, what I can do. Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate them.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Melva, you just hang in there...

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks, I will. I am just frustrated.

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Thinking about you. I live alone with bad knees and always have that fear I will fall and hurt myself badly so I understand and am praying for you.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Again, thank you. I realize that a lot of people have worse things to deal with. I will get better, it just takes time. Knee surgery is something that I have mixed feelings about having done. I was getting to the point, where I could not do much, and I am only 48 years old. I felt much older. Now, having to use a walker makes me feel 'mature' too. But soon I can graduate to using a cane, that will be better. Walkers are so clunky, and they have to be 'parked' almost like a car. I dread someone tripping on the darn thing.

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

I have to keep a walker by my chair and a cane by my bed in case I have a bad day and dont know how bad it is until I get up and try to move my legs. it is so much better to be safe than sorry and have a bad fall. You are young to have knee problems I am 64 and mine started about five years ago. Hust living one day at a time Shirley

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I know of several people that have had total knee replacements. Modern medicine is wonderful, but it won't expedite the healing process. You need to be patient, listen to the doctor, follow his advice, and work hard during physical therapy. It is a long road to recovery, but with your age, you have that on your side. Be patient with your DH. Some need more "training" than others, but they all learn with time.

Hope your healing and recooperation goes as quickly as possible. Hang in there! The next six months are but a moment in time in the big scheme of the things...

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I went to PT for six weeks, then I was out of town for a couple of weeks. I had to get my Dr. to order more PT for me. I am going to get back into 3x a week next Monday. Right now I do the exercises they taught me. But I know you are right about six months, just being a instant. One of the thingsI love about gardening, is seeing, and being a part of the rhymthm of things. It helps to put things in perspective.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I know what you are going through. I had total knee replacement in January. Only difference is I had both knees done at the same time. Did not have the good leg to stand on. LOL It will get much better soon. You must just power through the pain and not let it curtail your activities much. I was gardening in about 8 or 9 weeks just was careful and it was from a walker and I used a hoe. I did water things but I had my DH move the hose for me every morning and evening so I didn't have to move a whole heavy hose. Maybe there is a neighbor or friend who you can call and have them in standby in case you don't call them back to come over and rescue you if you do fall. You shouldn't hurt your knees much now. Then you can get out and water and use a hoe. I also drag along a chair even now so when I get tired I just sit and hoe. It is much nicer to do the gardening than sit in the house worrying about your plants. Just set up a support system that works and you will be on your way. Think of gardening as part of your physical therapy. Good therapy for the soul too. If you want to talk knee replacement email me. I'll be glad to talk. Lani btw I just turned 50. Had juvenile arthritis and then blew out my knees with track and field. Hurdles aren't good for the knees. lol NOW they tell me

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Melva, have you been out yet? How are youdoing? hope you are hanging in there.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I haven't been outside yet. Soon, I will. I am hanging on...thanks for checking on me.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Melva, just take it easy....I hate to think that you might jump the gun and set yourself back.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I went outside in the back yard and looked around for about ten minutes, some things have grown six feet! (Fig Tree) there are lots of weeds, and rose bodies all over the yard, but, a lot of them have survived too. I didn't have the energy to explore the entire back yard, I came inside, and am tired now, I need a nap!
Thanks for worrying about me. I will be careful, my husband hovered, until I came back inside.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I can't give you any suggestions first-hand about your knees, but I have a suggestion re: your roses. If you don't have dozens of them, why not fill 2-liter bottles or gallon milk jugs with water, poke a couple small holes in the bottom of each and have DH put one at the drip line of each rose bush? That will effectively water them and it will take him less time to distribute the bottles than to give the plants his quick once-over. :)

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

good idea Garden Wife....good idea indeed!!!

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Yes, that is a good idea, but there are about 160 of those babies. He already had the idea of using a drip system, but he said I had too many pots! Next is his plan of putting soaker hoses in the raised beds, now, that, will be nice!
The fatalities ocurred because a lot of the roses didn't get planted. I had a good friend pot some of them into larger pots, but I didn't see what she had put them into, they were far too small, it is partly her fault they died, but I am not going to say anything, it won't change things (kind of like complaining when too much hair is cut, what are they supposed to do, paste it back?) I will just chalk this up to education.
Tomorrow I plan to go outside for a bit longer.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Melva, these things happen, don't they? I know what you mean about the hair thing...I never say anything even when my scalp is showing.....(although I do make a point to always say .... Please dont let any of my scalp show - my husband doesnt particularly care for that look.) lol

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

lol, Pebble! I will have to remember that. My husband does not care for that look, either.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

It is good therapy for you to go outside when he is home. Then shortly go out when he is due home and gradually wean yourself as you gain confidence. Have him put chairs around the yard so you can sit when you need a rest and don't over do but get out and enjoy your yard and the outside. You can do it, Melva. It will feel so good when you are contributing to your own garden again. Hoe Hoe Hoe. ;>) Lani

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Soaker hoses are awesome. We have three coiled up in our garage. They've been there for the last two seasons. They work a lot better if you put them in your garden and use them....Sigh.

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks Lani, that is a for sure was kind of sad today, to realize that things were going on without me. The ground is so uneven in places, that even with the walker it was hard to get around. That is why I got so tired, so fast.
Things have gotten, way overgrown, I have someone who comes and mows, and he usually comes for a few hours to do other things, I haven't been able to even direct him...and he was gone for two weeks, while he was gone, things got out of hand. No surprise, things usually do, it gets too hot to be outside. This year it's hot, plus I am recovering. I am glad Fall, is on the way, and cooler temps. My roses should love it, and me, too.
and yes, soaker hoses look good coiled in the garage, but they work better, in the garden. Not that I have such things in the garage! lol

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

You can do only what you can do right now but it will be good for you to go out and do what you can until you are tired. I always take a chair to the area and then when I am tired I sit and just read or something like that for a while then I get back to work. I might only work for a few minutes at a time but it is a few minutes more than the garden would have gotten without me and it makes me feel good. Since I have gotten my new knees my back is having fits with the new angles that my legs are in so I tire easily as the back spasms. I let my knees go for entirely too long before I had the surgery and now I pay for it every day. BUT I LOVE my new knees and the lack of the pain that I had before and the feeling that I can walk anywhere my back will allow me to walk. Feels great! Lani

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Today was a good day! I went outside and pulled weeds, and tallied some of the dearly departed roses...I even managed to put some alfalfa tea on one of my rose beds. It was very therapeutic! I think I was outside for 1-2 hours, I think I will be able to sleep tonight.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Just don't overdo it at first Melva. I did that a few times and then I learned that was not the solution either. But it does feel good to know that you are contributing doesn't it? Now I have been 7 and a half months from my two being done and it is pretty good except I still don't have my energy back but that may also be the fibromyalgia. I did get the dog groomed today and moved some of my hosta to another bed to make room for new ones. And also did dinner for company (shopping for it first) so that was not too bad of a day for me. Good luck. Lani

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Glad you are getting out Melva and you will be able to slowly get back into doing a little Important not to overdo Shirley

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I am being careful. I am still unsteady. I use the walker outside, not just the cane.
Thanks, for your concern.

Brighton, CO(Zone 5a)

i wish you a very speedy reccovery . i am 47 and the dr. tells me that my left knee is shot and that i need too have total knee replacement asap, the dr is wanting too inject me with a serom made from the comb of a chicken. it cost $1,000 for 3 shots and only lasts 6 mo. it is my last shot and post poning knee replacement. take care

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

I tried the Synvisc shots too (chicken combs) it did help.I am getting better, I have my ups and downs, as everyone does. I worked in the yard today, too much, and I am real sore. I was sore when the day began, as I fell yesterday in the garage. As much as all the clutter, in the garage annoys me, it saved me from falling onto the concrete, a blessing in disquise. Anyway, I hope you get some relief from the Syn-Visc, and it allows you some breathing time. The Knee replacement is not a easy thing...but when you need it, you need it. Recovery is slow, but it happens.


Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

My cost on the synvisc was just as much money as my deductable for getting my knees done so I went ahead and got both knees replaced. I would not have done it differently because in two weeks after the surgery I was in less pain than I had been in for years. Today I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes. I have never been able to do that before without pain. I am tired but no pain. Happy happy Lani

Brighton, CO(Zone 5a)

good luck too both of you and may you both have a safe and sppedy recovery take care

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Melvatoo how are you doing? I have been doing better and better this month. All of a sudden my back seems to be getting used to the new angles I carry myself with the new knees and all is much better. I am wondering about you and your pain and how you are getting around now. Lani

Denton, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Lani,
I am doing well. I am still a bit unsteady when I go outside
But, I am able to get out in the yard, I have to sit down, but I can stay outside for more than a couple of hours, I am tired when I do, but I can do it. Not too much pain anymore, I am just taking Advil.I hurt when I do the exercises but a hot bath helps with that. I get impatient sometimes, but it just takes a long time, right? I just use a cane, I got rid of the walker....hated that thing!
Thanks for thinking about me, I am glad that you are good, too.
Take care,

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Yes it certainly takes a long time. I am still finding that I get tired quickly compared to before the surgery. I brought my 89 year old Mother home yesterday from rehab. She had total knee on her right knee several years ago and kept putting off the left knee so now she has had that done. I railroaded her into the surgery but she is happy now that she did it! lol
Glad that you are getting on with life. I found that I just had to power through the pain and tiredness for the most part and just get on with it. Hope all continues to go well for you.
See you or you can email me sometime. Lani

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I had my left knee replaced over 2 years ago. You are doing very well! After a week in hospital, had to go into
"continuing care" rehab center as "in patient" for 3 weeks of therapy. Then home, where I had visiting therapist come 3 times a week for 5 weeks. Then to the hospital Wellness center for 7 more weeks of therapy 2 days of exercise and I day of warm water therapy each time I went. After that, I was on my own. It took forever, but after the knee was fixed, the right knee became much better as it wasn't carrying part of the load like before surgery. Now its a normal knee. I Can Walk!!!

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Wonderful djm906! Glad to hear another success story! I am thinking that I need knee mittens for the winter though as they get cold easier now than they did before. LOL I would love to find those knitted knee guards that they used to sell a few years ago. I am still riding the stationary bike and last week I got to ride my horse for the first time. My knees felt like Jello afterward but I made the ride ok for about 25 minutes!!! I am so happy about that! Lani

barrington, IL(Zone 5a)

hi all, i am so glad that i decided to check out this forum. i am having total knee replacement on my left knee a week from today and i'm getting more and more nervous about it. my dh keeps saying that he and my grandson will take care of everything but i know they don't know what they're talking about. as long as we don't run out of clean clothes i'll be happy. i have a bunch of those stackable plastic chairs that i will arrange in my yard and i also have a wheelhorse garden tractor that i will be making much use of. i'm glad i'm having the surgery done in the winter as i figure that come next spring i should be able to get around ok. btw, as long as i am here i might as well ask. does anyone know of a catalog that sells heirloom apple trees? i posted this question in the heirloom forum but haven't gotten an answer yet. thanks in advance. good luck to all.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Nicksgrammy, My surgery was at Northwest Community hospital in Arlinton Heights. Where are you going for yours? That operation is truly a miracle. Good luck! Doris

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