
smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

norma........i received a plant which the giver and i both seem to think is crassula alba...looks alot like is getting ready to flower...i have only the one stem of this and would like to know how to propogate wont die after it flowers will it? have never had a crassula flower so thats why what i am asking may sound just such a cute plant, i want to have it get bigger and make more.....hope i am making sense.....thanks in advance for your help...

one more sent me an echeveria prolifera earlier this has it is very top heavy so it will lean the pot over then the plant will try and grow back straight it is actually that makes sense....can i 'top' this plant and pot up the the top?..will anything grow from where it was cut?....this is really a neat one and has done so good outside, im very grateful for you sending it and am so glad that it has done well and want it to continue...btw, it is at least 2ft tall

thanks for your help


Valley Village, CA

Cindy, what makes you think it's C. alba. What is giving you the clue.1. There are several forms of this. Does it have red flowers and spots on the leaves. Yes, it will die after it flowers, however it may toss out a skirt of offsets around the base. Please leave the flower stem on, it will need the moisture from this stem to produce the new babies.
Give this plant morning sun. I will look up in my book to see when the natural flowering time is in Africa, that will help us. Describe it more please and take measurments, observe everything for me.

Yes, you can cut off the heads of Echeverias. Set this head on top of a pot that is small enough to hold it and set aside in indirect light until you see a brush of roots coming down, now plant and water immediately. Keep this in indirect light until you see new growth, now start introducing it to the sun. These are hardy plants, mostly coming from Mexico living on the side of rock cliffs, some fine refuge in the shade of a overhanging rock, or living on the north side of a rock or plant. If you just leave it alone in a pot at least 1" larger all around the outside offsets, they will all root down themselfs and form a nice clump. Make sure this has enough sun to grow the petal tight. I am so glad to hear from you, and reporting how this baby has done. Thanks, Norma

Valley Village, CA

Cindy, what makes you think it's C. alba. What is giving you the clue.1. There are several forms of this. Does it have red flowers and spots on the leaves.2. Yes, it will die after it flowers, however it may toss out a skirt of offsets around the base. Please leave the flower stem on, it will need the moisture from this stem to produce the new babies. I could also produce offsets from the leaf nodes.
Give this plant morning sun. I will look up in my book to see when the natural flowering time is in Africa, that will help us. Describe it more please and take measurments, observe everything for me, and report back.

Yes, you can cut off the heads of Echeverias. Set this head on top of a pot that is small enough to hold it and set aside in indirect light until you see a brush of roots coming down, now plant and water immediately. Keep this in indirect light until you see new growth, now start introducing it to the sun. These are hardy plants, mostly coming from Mexico living on the side of rock cliffs, some fine refuge in the shade of a overhanging rock, or living on the north side of a rock or plant. If you just leave it alone in a pot at least 1" larger all around the outside offsets, they will all root down themselfs and form a nice clump. Make sure this has enough sun to grow the petal tight. I am so glad to hear from you, and reporting how this baby has done. Thanks, Norma

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

norma........the crassula is at least 6 inches...the flowers look as if they are going to be red.....petals are opposite each other all the way up the stalk...undersides are light green with some purple spots along the edge...the tops of leaves are green with the purple spots...the space between the sets of leaves on the stems is a pinkish redish color...very colorful plant...i am assuming that its an alba from the pictures alone....i bought this plant from a lady on ebay...i sure hope i get at least one other baby from this one..i havent even had it a week....any other advice?

when u say to cut the top off the ech and put it in a pot, i am assuming you mean with potting soil?...i luv these and dont want to make any


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