
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Is there any special trick to getting Kalanchoe to rebloom when you have to treat it as a house plant? We see it here just as a potted indoor florist plant.

Valley Village, CA

They are seasonal, If you can put it outside during the warm months, I think it would help. I have none in flower at this time. Perhaps they are winter flowering, perhaps in Jan-JUne, that would be the summer months for below the equator. There is probably species that grow north of the equator as well. Norma

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I keep the little 4" potted ones from the corner store(about seven of them), in my glasshouse and they keep on blooming!, although Iim constantly giving them haircuts, to produce new growth..maybe that's the secret! Elaine

Valley Village, CA

Elaine, your little secret is out? That is the way my nursery keeps them flowering. But those are the florist varieties.
It's just like dead heading the pansies to keep them flowering. The growers get them to flower by controlling the light to forse flowers when they want.

That is why I say keep cutting off the leaf heads of Crassula ovata to get it to flower for Christmas. We all have a little cultural tricks. PS They don't grow Kalanchoe in full sun, only part shade. Norma

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