Hoya "Rubra" Hoya Carnosa

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh my! I was running around with a friend last evening and we had to go into Lowe's for something. I drifted into the plant section, of course, I begged her to get me outta there quick! They had lots of new plants in and I had just bought potting material and other stuff last evening! But there it sat. Couldn't resist this little beauty!
A nice person here on Dave's sent me Devil's Backbone. I believe this is a hoya as well? Does this mean I'm a collector?
My friend got one as well. I think she only got the same thing I got because I would be begging her for a start!

This message was edited Sunday, Aug 4th 2:11 PM

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

This isn't in the plants database so I can't look, but I can beg. When you have starts available PLEEZE remember me.
I did find it in the database when I looked under Hoya Carnosa. It is very pretty. I love Hoyas and don't have any. Could I talk you out of a start of the other one too? I have some old homestead Iris I could trade.

This message was edited Sunday, Aug 4th 9:52 AM

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

You've got mail.

Valley Village, CA

You have mail, I can share some Hoya carnosa, mine is variegated, green and white, now is the time to start them they love the heat. Norma

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Norma, I didn't get your message because I accidently blocked Davesgarden and haven't been able to unblock it. So I will send you an email through Dave's and give you my email addy. Thanks.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


u are talking about 2 different plants here. one can not be the other. to prove my point:

devil's backbone is otherwise known as mother of thousands for common name... http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Crassulaceae/Kalanchoe_daigremontiana.html

hoya on the other hand ... http://magdoch.free.fr/hoya.html

Valley Village, CA

I have some new cuttings of Hoya, and they look terrible, dried up, I hope I can bring them back any suggestions.? I'm trying a few in water as suggested by a friend. the leaves are falling off, they do have small starts of roots all up the stem. I am hoping that these might save them.
Cactus Cowboy I would like some input from you please. I am getting very concerned about them. NOrma

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

if leaves are falling, check for mealy bugs. i just take cuttings and stick on the ground. here's a url for u to learn more about propagating... http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~apkweb/folnotes/waxplant.htm

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

MVR, Thanks for the input.

I hate mealy bugs. Just had to get that off my chest.

Valley Village, CA

Hoya, I believe a referred to this Hoya have a backbone like vein down it backside. I have since discovered that this species is H. macrophylla, it is described perfectly in Lexicon of Succulent Plant by Herr Hermann Jacobsen. They are all H. carnosa except different species of them,
I also believe the 'Hindu Rope' is also a H. carnosa.Norma

Ma Vie, propagation is not the problem, they are new cuttings, if I put them in water they rot, I have been misting often. They will not root by just a leaf, they will need two nodes at least. At this point mealies would be a simple problem to solve, and I do recognize them at 20 paces away

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